The Hurdles in Big Data Analytics for Healthcare

With the onset of ambitious healthcare projects – thanks to technological development and innovation – a growing need for big data analytics is being felt. However, this need is also highlighting the challenges of implementing big data in the healthcare sector.


God, Perception and the Profound Emergence of Virtual Reality

We live in a world where we only experience a small part of reality. From vision to smell, our senses are all are just small subsets of vast reality that is just waiting for us. I wonder what the role of virtual reality and augmented reality will do the the human experience as act as a tool for expanded human awareness. It's not just an experience, but I believe these new technologies will "shift the curve" of human evolution and transform mankind.


Tips For a More Productive Day

Every Sunday night I plan out 3–5 large goals to complete for the week, as well as sub-goals to get me there. There are all types of systems for doing this but what I do is block off time on my calendar to complete my goals. For example, I started a new company on January 14th, therefore, a lot of my goals right now are based on strategy.


The Future of Incentivized Healthcare

In April of 2017, I had an interaction with a patient who was having trouble paying for his mental health medications. It was heartbreaking. And as a pharmacist, I experience this pain way too often. But for some reason, I really couldn’t stop thinking about this particular interaction. I felt like I needed to do something about it and that night I told myself that one day I’d be a part of something that would help people pay for their medications. Before bed, I registered a domain name for a website with not the slightest idea of what would come of it. But it finally came together.


Disruption in the Workplace

In this high speed changing environment, the workplace is not immune from the impact, or opportunities, of digitisation. The changes in the world, driven by digital transformation, is having a fa – reaching effect on how, where, why, and when people work – and how companies, and businesses choose to resource their enterprise. In this article, we will take a high level look at what is causing disruption in the work place by considering what is happening today and is projected in the near term (looking at the landscape and perspectives), organisational responses, and future employment models.

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