The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? Amazon, Apple & Healthcare

The Ugly? So we all know healthcare costs are a big burden. High cost, probably a fair amount of increase in demand and most likely within the same if not a declining budget. Being dominantly a system that fixes things as opposed to preventing things to happen, it is also one of the few (last ?) sectors where the processes are built around the professionals instead of around the ones who need the 'service.'


How to Superstar

Motivation is a tricky little character. Being a "worker" often leads to large swings in motivation influenced by our bosses, co-workers, family life and a myriad of factors often outside of our control. Some days we walk in the door like we own the place and proceed to crush it like a BAWSE! And some days we do just enough to get through the day, staring at our watches wondering if sneaking out at 4:30pm would raise any eyebrows. And then the company superstar walks by. Smiling. Affable. Perfectly dressed. Asking how your daughter's presentation went at school. She totally remembered. Worse, you totally forgot.


Big Data for Informed Choices

The right decision propels an organization in the direction of success. Big data in decision-making helps businesses make informed choices. Big data is a huge chunk of information gathered from disparate sources. The information that is being gathered is often in different formats. To any organization of any scale, data is crucial; be it of any kind, format, or volume.


Pharmacist vs Alexa

I have been dabbling with the idea of whether Alexa, or any other of the new voice devices, is going to replace the Pharmacist or not. And I have found that, in theory, they can. But will they be able to pull it off?


Make your Idea Count, Execute it

During all those career related gossips with friends, when everyone is pouring out their frustrations and letting out that life is so unfair feelings. In all those conversations, there is always that one friend who says. “I had the idea for Facebook, only had I acted on it. I would be a billionaire. That is a pathetic logic and people who say this live in their own delusional world. Having the idea of for a Facebook or an Amazon or an uber has nothing to do with actually creating any of them. As Batman from Gotham says, It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.

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