The Internet of Things and Fleet Management

The internet of things (IoT) plays a valuable role in making fleet operations efficient, secure, affordable, smart, and eco-friendly. IoT will soon revolutionize the fleet management industry.

What a World Famous Chef Taught Me about Customer Experience

What a World Famous Chef Taught Me about Customer Experience

A couple of years ago in Forrester CXNYC conference, I had the pleasure of hosting a dinner for 25+ executives across several industries, along with a panel discussion on “Creating the Customer Experience Mindset.” I was joined by @Sean McGloin of Farmers Insurance and @Michael Moore of SiriusXM, and we hosted our discussion at Per Se, the acclaimed three-Michelin-starred restaurant in New York. Since the night’s discussion was all about the customer experience, why not host the dinner at a place that’s all about that?


How to Succeed in Healthcare

An overwhelming number of doctors, engineers and scientists don't have an entrepreneurial mindset. What's more, when they have an idea, they don't know what to do with it since they will not learn those competencies in their formal training. They just don't know how to innovate their way out of our sick care mess.


Corporations and Social Values

There is a long-standing debate over the goals of corporations. Should they focus mostly or exclusively on earning profits? Should they be willing to take on broader social missions? Should they be required to do so? What follows are some notes and snippets on this controversy, from various angles.


Science of Learning: Mindset

Carol Dweck is the principle figure behind mindset theory and in my opinion is one of the giants in the science of learning. To understand where Dweck is coming from, we need to go back decades. In the early 1980’s Dweck started looking into the perplexing question of why females consistently score lower than males (in the aggregate, not necessarily individually) in math. There is no genetic or biological reason for this. When it comes to the brain wiring, there is simply no differences to account for why males consistently outperform females in math. In looking at the problem, Dweck formulated the concept of mindset, which she then extended (through research) to a variety of observable phenomenon.

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