A Secure Model of IoT with Blockchain

The Internet of Things (#IoT) is an ecosystem of ever-increasing complexity; it’s the next wave of innovation that will humanize every object in our life, and it is the next level of automation for every object we use. IoT is bringing more and more things into the digital fold every day, which will likely make IoT a multi-trillion dollar industry in the near future. To understand the scale of interest in the internet of things (IoT) just check how many conferences, articles, and studies conducted about IoT recently, this interest has hit fever pitch point in 2016 as many companies see big opportunity and believe that IoT holds the promise to expand and improve businesses processes and accelerate growth.


Multi-Time Frame Analysis: Trading using Option Factors

Multiple time frame analysis is where you take into consideration what is occurring on other time frames that may have an effect on your position. Most traders pick their one time-frame and then almost never leave it. Or they just leave their time-frame to go down to lower time-frames to find more trading opportunities – which basically means they are recklessly hunting for signals on time-frames they shouldn’t be on.


Today's Standard Practices will come to be seen as Yesterday's Errors

In 1865 an eleven year old boy, James Greenlees, was run over by a cart in Glasgow. He was rushed to the Royal Infirmary with a gashed leg containing a multiple fracture. The normal outcome of this kind of injury at the time was either amputation or death through infection (or sometimes both). Fortunately for Greenlees, the surgeon who treated him was Joseph Lister.


Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Baggage Mishandling

Airports are considering the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to avoid mishandling baggage. The idea is to use AI for end-to-end tracking of baggage and planning optimized luggage routes, right from the time passengers get on-board, until they collect their baggage at their destination.


How to Transition to a Cleantech Career

Without doubt, one of the questions I'm asked most in messages on Linked In, in e-mails and from enquiries to our website is, 'How can I get a job in the cleantech sector?' People ask to meet me at trade shows to ask the same question, or for help to make the transition. Here are some thoughts.

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