10 Reasons You Aren't Growing as Leader

There's no shortage of leadership content available. As you're reading this article, millions of other people around the world are gaining knowledge on how to become better leaders via YouTube, blogs, audiobooks, and podcasts. But the alarming part is, the improvement-to-content-consumed ratio is near nonexistent.


Should Governments Tax Products That Are Fun But Harmful?

Should you face an extra tax if you drink soda? Eat potato chips? Uncork some wine? Light up a cigarette or joint? Toast yourself in a tanning booth? Many governments think so. Mexico taxes junk food. Berkeley taxes sugary soft drinks. Countless governments tax alcohol and tobacco. Several states tax marijuana. And thanks to health reform, the U.S. government taxes indoor tanning.


5 Technology Trends Driving Small Businesses to Success

The present technology trends shaping small businesses emphasize the fact that regardless of size, scope, and industry, technology has something valuable to offer to every business.


Is China A Currency Manipulator?

The US administration has avoided the debate on currency manipulation in the past years due to the impact of the financial crisis. Why? Because all major economies have tried to solve their imbalances through the same policies: massive liquidity injections and currency debasement. Currency wars were denied, but the “beggar thy neighbor” policy of the $20 trillion global monetary expansion is undeniable.


Robots are on Their Way to Disrupt these 7 Industries

The rise of robots in various industries is making life easier for humans. Autonomous robots are taking over roles involving high precision, monotony, and risk.

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