Danger! Beware a Digital Chasm, Swallowing the Unaware

This is a red flag warning for those who think digital technology is something the IT department does! It is not; today digital technology is the purview of Boards and Senior Executives.


Republicans Without Principles: Roy Moore and the Tax Bill

The Republican National Committee (RNC) joined with Mitch McConnell and approximately 18 Republican Senators in urging Roy Moore to resign. They pulled campaign funding and took the moral high ground…until the Senate voted on the tax reform legislation and they discovered that they only had one vote to spare.


Obesity: Companies Love Misery?

An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine predicts the future prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States based on the current prevalence of childhood obesity, and simulation models incorporating prevailing patterns of weight change over time. The news is far from good. As stated succinctly by Reuters among the extensive media coverage, nearly 60% of American children are on track to be obese by age 35.

How to Plan a Marketing Strategy for your Business?

How to Plan a Marketing Strategy for your Business?

A marketing strategy is of how you plan to market your brand or business, specifically in the online space.


Weinstein Movement: A Little Disgusted

I'm a little disgusted. In the wake of all of these sexual harassment allegations and watching hero after hero get accused of these improprieties, most happening many years ago, I can't help but to wonder how they've lived with themselves all this time knowing what they'd done. The fact that serial offender Harvey Weinstein was still able to succeed wildly and create a protected class of his own within his own organization is about as reprehensible as it can get. Now we've got chefs, more actors, political officials and tv anchors all finally getting called out for being the foul human beings they've always been.

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