Brand vs. Branding – Why Does The Difference Matter?

Brand vs. Branding – Why Does The Difference Matter?

The term “brand” has become simultaneously too big and too small. It can be up on a pedestal, out of reach if you don’t have deep pockets.


We Need “Lasticity-Trained” Educators on Disaster Teams: An Idea as We Enter 2018

I can picture readers looking at this headline and pondering why we need to complicate disaster relief by adding educators to the team of necessary workers. Education seems like a secondary level of need, way behind water and power and disease control and food supplies. And, then readers may wince perhaps over the word “lasticity,” wondering what it means. The word could sound oddly familiar but no definition comes to mind. And finally, there is the word “trained,” and many question how valuable professional development actually is and whether it is worth the proverbial candle. And, don’t we have better things to worry about as we enter a New Year.


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A Fast briefing on what is happening now in the digital world. Will the following examples of digital innovation, or similar massive changes in the delivery of products and service, end up attacking your business? Are you a laggard, or a leader? In my recent article, “Danger! Beware a Digital Chasm, Swallowing The Unaware”, I outlined how massive changes in digital technology in the near and medium term will have dramatic effects on business strategy and companies’ competitiveness. In this article I take a high level look at some amazing innovations that exist now, in an attempt to expand your perspective on the digital world. I want to look at six widely different examples: The House-Building Robot Designed by Chinese Studio Archi-Union Architects, this robot built the undulating exterior of the Chi She Gallery in Shanghai. Digital tools were used to transform geometric data to digital-fabrication data, and instructions and intelligence for the robot. And the architects claimed that to build the brick wall with such precision would have not been possible without the robot.  The robotic build technique is being explored for other buildings and, in another area of construction; we are seeing the emergence of 3D printed buildings in China, Dubai, Europe, and the USA. The Digital Dining Experience Taking technologies and apps from Amazon’s Alexa, Cheerfy, Blippar, and Microsoft’s Kinect, and by adding a further dose of virtual reality we can redesign your dining experience today. Here’s the scenario: you decide to go out for dinner, so you ask your voice-activated virtual assistant (Amazon Alexa, or Google Home) to recommend a restaurant based on your culinary tastes and budget. You agree to the recommendation and ask the virtual assistant to makes a booking at the restaurant, and to book transport for you. An Uber, or Uber look alike, arrives and whisks you off. You arrive at your confirmed reservation and, when you walk through the restaurant door, you are walking into a familiar place. Your downloaded Cheerfy app has told the restaurant of your favorite table and the most appropriate food for your genetic profile, and notified them that this is your sixth visit. The staff all know your name and your favorite cocktail; facial recognition software has confirmed you on arrival and Cheerfy has already downloaded your profile to the staffs’ smart tablets or devices. Walk-on Aircraft Boarding Let’s change industries: Boarding passes are history as JetBlue Airways rolls out facial recognition technology at US airports this year. Photographed at self-check in, a passenger’s image is checked against photos on file with Customs and Border Protection. Hearing is one of our senses – here, Shazam is creating a sensory web, or sensory search engine – using audio or visual input only Finally, take a magic leap Our final example in this high level journey is Magic Leap. Magic Leap is a US startup company that is working on a head-mounted, virtual retinal display that superimposes 3D computer generated imagery over real world objects. And it creates this imagery by projecting a digital light field into the user's eye. Magic Leap is arguably at the forefront of Augmented Reality (3). Using something called a Digital Light Field, the technology projects images directly into the eye so that it hits the retina. Traditional AR projects fire light at a surface, which bounces back into the eye. By going directly into the eye it is able to "trick" the brain into thinking it (the image) is real. Also by creating a headset that projects directly onto the retina there is no need for screens anymore. As there is no screen the resolution and focus of the images are going to be near real; therefore, it's likely that no screen will compare. Key Takeaways This is a quick and a high level look at what appears to be happening in the digital world by the use of some examples to illustrate the level of innovation around us. In my previous article we have see high profile cases where digital has created value in connections and spawned giant global businessesWe know that digital technology has only just started to penetrate A recent McKinsey survey showed that, today, on average, digital penetration has only reached 37% - with Media and Entertainment and retail at the forefront and CPG, Automotive, and Financial Services presently in the laggard category, Surveys have indicated that competition from digital enterprises dampens revenue and profits for slow adopters, but upper quartile innovators get disproportionate gains We have seen a small sample of current digital innovation – these technologies exist today and will be commonplace in the medium term What is patently clear it that – irrespective of the industry or sector, digital companies embed themselves in the heart of the consumer and users ecosystem capturing both deep mind share and setting expectations that other digital companies must emulate.  

  • 21/12/2017
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Cyber Security a Business Risk

For the past couple of weeks, we have heard or read spectacular cyber-attacks where hackers used ransomware and malicious techniques to manipulate the data of various government agencies and big corporations from all over the world. As a result, no individual, government or company is feeling safe about data -  increasingly vulnerable to hackers' cyber-attacks.


6 of the Best Personal Branding Tips

Do you want to improve your branding? Here are some of the best tips that you can use to enhance your personal brand from famous TV and film brands The Joker, Breaking Bad, Darth Vader, Gladiator, American Psycho and The Godfather. 

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