Moving Counter-Clockwise: Lessons from Hurricanes, Floods and Earthquakes

The plethora of natural disasters raises all sorts of complicated but expected issues – from discussions of the legitimacy of global warming to the adequacy (or lack thereof) of on the ground relief efforts.


A View From The Bottom

Chances are that most people reading this were at one point at the bottom of some organization. Do we remember what is was like? Do we remember how it felt to have someone treat us bad, to have “management” make decisions for us, or to feel like we do not have the power to change things for the better?

  • 19/12/2017
  • 11

Creating the New Ideas

I have written much recently about higher order thinking skills and the failure of higher education to teach the masses of students that emerge from our institutions with little or no evidence that we have succeeded. All we teach is stuff, cramming and passing tests most of which will be forgotten in a matter of weeks following a test.


Tomorrow Is Here, And There Are Still Laggards. Are You One?

A Fast briefing on what is happening now in the digital world. Will the following examples of digital innovation, or similar massive changes in the delivery of products and service, end up attacking your business? Are you a laggard, or a leader?


On Stockchain, Trust, and Tesla

The new buzz word of the last five years is disruption. We have seen AirBnB change the way the travel industry is viewed, Uber and Lyft change the way we get around, and Amazon continues to increase our expectations in retail. What might disruption in the financial industry look like? It starts and ends with blockchain.

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