The 3Es of Retail Relevance

The Retail Relevance. Meet the connected consumer in Omni-Channel world!! The traditional retail was all about stocking products customers wanted and ensuring the right shelf space and promotional offers to make the sale happen. In the light of the technological advancement the retail space has transformed with the easy access of information anywhere and anytime.


3 Ways You Can Improve Patient Care with Technology

Technology has come a far way and has received widespread acceptance. Patient care with technology becomes easier as it provides doctors with unique functionalities.


Top 5 Low Code App Development Platforms to Try out

You could make apps with just a single line or let’s say no line of code thanks to Low Code, which is making its way into the professional development environment and business use cases alike. It’s faster, saves effort and provides flexibility. Look at the code below:


Goodbye Screen, Hello Voice, Goodbye Ads!

I’m really used to it by now: voice commands to my computer, to my watch, to my car while driving and answering messages and at home. We're all getting more and more used to voice in our smartphone, in our car and even on our watch and most of all in our homes. Talking to computers is booming (business) meanwhile shifting power in the corporate world as well.


AI and Medical Diagnosis

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are getting smarter every passing moment. Some complex tasks like driving and understanding natural language are already being allotted to AI, but can we move a step further? In this article, we look at prospects of using AI for medical diagnosis.

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