Who is Your Ideal Customer?

Who is your ideal customer? An ideal customer is someone who has some sort of emotional connection with your brand other than their love for products/services offered by your business.


I Don’t Care if My Doctor Plays Piano

We had an interview dinner for a young doctor recently at the home of one of my partners. We have nearly a hundred doctors in our group and we, frankly, need quite a few more. Board-certified emergency physicians are at a premium and, for the most part, they can throw a dart at the map of the U.S. and practice wherever it lands. After dinner, my wife and I were driving home.


Nutrients Supplemental to What?

High-profile opinion and commentary about the value of nutrient supplementation, whether directed to the general public, or health professionals is in bountiful supply, and just keeps coming. To some extent, the cadence of such commentary may be likened to the swing of a pendulum: excesses of support (primarily from those marketing supplements) are followed by excesses of opposition (that toss out the baby with the bathwater), until the extremes of action and reaction settle toward a more temperate middle ground.


Are you Ok ?

The title of this poem is inspired by Lance Scoular's very relevant post that speaks for Suicide Prevention and the thoughts seeded from the very reflective post recently by Fatima Williams instilling self worth in times of lost esteems lost hopes and lost battles. A topic many refuse to confront as it is too sensitive to deal with. But its prevelance and increasing numbers only show the need for empathy consciousness in today's world. A little sensitivity and empathy can go along way in prevention of widespread negligence by society on such issues.


The Types of Angel Investors

As an entrepreneur who has worked and raised funds with and from several angel investors, I have had a vast amount of experience in meeting various types of investors. Each angel is unique with different motivations for investing and different expectations from you, as an entrepreneur. By learning about the different kinds of investors, you will able to better understand their rationale and meet their expectations. That being said, there is one common factor among all angel investors: their money is theirs. This may seem like an obvious fact, but people often forget the value of someone else’s money since it is easier to spend. Simply put, with every expense, think twice because it is not your money.

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