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7 years

Higher Order Thinking Skills

Although many higher education specialists expect that students should arrive at university or college with critical thinking abilities, they don’t. The myelination of the frontal lobes enables abstract thinking with 60% of grade 12 students only above to understand and manipulate two abstract concepts simultaneously. Higher order thinking skills rely on the ability to understand and manipulate abstract concepts.

7 years

How Should Business Leaders Handle Personal Questions on TV?

There were two controversies surrounding public figures being asked personal questions on camera this week, which provide hugely valuable lessons for senior business leaders.

7 years

Are you Ok ?

The title of this poem is inspired by Lance Scoular's very relevant post that speaks for Suicide Prevention and the thoughts seeded from the very reflective post recently by Fatima Williams instilling self worth in times of lost esteems lost hopes and lost battles. A topic many refuse to confront as it is too sensitive to deal with. But its prevelance and increasing numbers only show the need for empathy consciousness in today's world. A little sensitivity and empathy can go along way in prevention of widespread negligence by society on such issues.

7 years

Each Hospitalization Makes me Stronger

As a Type 1 Diabetic, I am no stranger to a hospital room. When I was initially diagnosed at the age of 2 my blood glucose was 949. A reading over 125 is a sign of diabetes, meaning, I was close to comatose and possibly death. This experience was incredibly traumatic and thankfully my parents brought me for a second opinion because the first doctor sent me home. 

7 years

7 Invaluable Life & Leadership Lessons I Learned From my Culinary Mentors

Working alongside renowned chefs such as Heston Blumenthal, Claude Bosi and Andoni Luis Aduriz has undeniably had a fundamental impact on me, not only in my professional development as a chef but in my personal development as a leader. While my time at their restaurants allowed me to develop my repertoire of culinary skills, the lessons I learned extended far beyond refining my practical and technical ability in the kitchen and they continue to shape me both as the person and as the professional I am today.

7 years

A Little Empathy, Please

A couple of months ago, I had a bit of an epiphany while talking with my mother about the various frustrations I've encountered while growing my business. Creating international awareness of your brand is difficult. Making people part with their hard earned cash is difficult. Convincing my students to give up a Saturday in order to literally change their career trajectories has been the biggest hurdle so far, despite insane levels of success by my alums. Still, I know that my intentions are pure, my results are quantifiable, and HR managers, even CEOs, have started reaching out privately to "score a MEGA" because they're quickly finding that MEGA Assistants are the new, gold standard in the biz. 

7 years

Tony the Taurus

Chapter I (00:00): My name is Tony. I am 68. I am getting old, and that’s the problem. I used to work on a fishing boat, in deep sea. That was my job. I worked in -40 degree. It was very cold, and you can’t wear gloves, because the line will slip.

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