More in Society

7 years

Teaching, Learning and Attention

Perception and attention are the functions that define sensory input to our conscious processing of the world around us. It is of little wonder low-level attentional processes influence our behavior and learning.

7 years

Connections in Long Term Memory

When a learner takes in information, the information becomes knowledge. When knowledge becomes embedded in long-term memory, connecting it to knowledge that is already there embeds the knowledge. The knowledge overlays what is already there.

7 years

What Does Your Audience Smell Like?

When I started in advertising I used to moderate my own focus groups. These were often conducted in someone’s sitting room in a small town somewhere in the UK. But sometimes groups would be conducted in a fancy market research facility complete with two-way mirror so other people could view the session.

7 years

Finding Inspiration When You Don’t Feel Inspired

As you become more senior in an organisation you increasingly have to inspire others. And when your job and business depends on you for inspiration it’s a problem if you run out of inspiration yourself.

7 years

Guns don't Murder People, People Do!

For years, I have hidden behind our fair Canadian gun laws, watching mass and individual shootings taking place in America and shaking my head wondering how a civilized society, in our day and age, could simply kneel and pray every time some horrific slaughter takes place.

7 years

How LinkedIn Can Help Introverts Network Better

LinkedIn is currently running a campaign - #ThisIsSuccess – that explores the changing definition of success in today’s workplace. What is success? How do you judge if you are successful? And how has the definition of success changed over the years?

7 years

Intelligence – A Problem?

After 115 years, intelligence, as measured by an IQ test is still largely misunderstood by the vast majority of the population. Firstly, the concept of intelligence, as measured by an IQ test, is interpreted by most as being a measure of how intelligent (smart) a person is.

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