You're Probably Recycling Wrong - Get It Right With These 10 Tips

You're Probably Recycling Wrong - Get It Right With These 10 Tips

Daniel Hall 13/09/2024
You're Probably Recycling Wrong - Get It Right With These 10 Tips

Did you know that UK businesses produce an estimated 33 million tonnes of waste every year?

According to recent government statistics from 2021. This is a staggering amount, and a significant portion of this ends up in landfills, contributing to the pollution that harms our planet. For businesses looking to make a sustainable change, effective recycling practices should be a crucial part of your operational strategy. 

If you're a business owner looking to improve your recycling practices, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll share 10 practical tips to help your business improve its sustainability when it comes to recycling. The following tips can help your company make a positive change.

1. Assess Your Current Recycling Plan


Before implementing changes, it's important to assess where your business currently lies with its recycling schemes. You can do this by conducting a waste audit to identify the types and amounts of waste your business typically generates. This can help you pinpoint areas for improvement, ensuring a better strategy is put in place.

2. Educate Your Employees in Proper Recycling Practices

One of the key barriers to proper recycling is a lack of knowledge. This is why educating your employees on effective recycling practices and informing them of the impact recycling has can improve your business’ sustainability. You could start by using clear signage with examples to guide them where to recycle specific materials. 

3. Reduce Paper Waste When You Can

Despite many processes now being digitised, paper waste still remains a significant issue for a wide range of businesses across the UK. Implementing policies to reduce paper use, such as encouraging double-sided printing, using digital documents, and recycling all paper products can help move our business towards a more sustainable future. 

4. Reduce Plastic Packaging Waste

Businesses across the UK should consider recycling their plastics in a sustainable and effective way. Whether it's about plastic packaging or simply the eliminating single use of plastics from your workplace, it's important for businesses to assess their plastic recycling and implement a better recycling strategy. 

5. Practice Closed-Loop Recycling 

Closed-loop recycling is a more effective and sustainable method of recycling. When a business practices closed-loop recycling, it means they keep materials within the same product cycle, which helps to preserve quality and reduce waste.  

6. Use Recycled Materials for Your Packaging

Using a sustainable packaging option is a great way to improve your business’ sustainability and help reduce your environmental footprint. Using sustainable materials to package your products and recycling those materials properly contributes positively to your business’ approach to sustainability.  

7. Encourage Reusables 

To become more sustainable, your company should be encouraging employees to be using reusable products where possible. Things like cutlery should be either made out of recyclable material or reusable.

8. Compost Organic Waste

Recycling organic waste is important. Companies looking to improve their recycling methods should consider composting.

9. Monitor and Adjust Your Recycling Programme

Part of a successful recycling programme involves continuous monitoring and suggestions for improvement. This is the best way to ensure your business stays vigilant when it comes to recycling properly.

10. Consult a Recycling Specialist 


 If you’re unsure on where to start when it comes to implementing proper recycling methods to your business, start by consulting with an expert. Recycling experts can guide you on how to begin better and more sustainable recycling methods, improving your businesses sustainability and reputation.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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