4 Tips for Startups Looking to Scale Quickly

4 Tips for Startups Looking to Scale Quickly

Anuja Lath 23 hours ago
4 Tips for Startups Looking to Scale Quickly

In competitive rock climbing, the word “scale” refers to your ability to climb a wall, overcoming obstacles in your way.

To be successful at this task, it’s important to utilize the right tools and techniques. In the business world, the meaning of the word “scale” is similar. It refers to overcoming obstacles and increasing your revenue faster than you accrue growth costs.

As a new business owner, you’re embarking on a journey that ends in failure for many entrepreneurs. It’s a scary fact that most startups don’t succeed in the long run. To avoid following in their shoes, you may be wondering how to scale your business rapidly. That means adding revenue fast enough that it covers all of your growth and operating costs with ease. Here are four tips for startups looking to scale quickly.  

1. Hire the Right Staff


No matter how reasonable your scaling goals may be, you’re unlikely to reach them without the right staff. Hiring a dream team should be the number one priority for any serious business owner. For startups with limited resources, the right combination of talent can be a game-changer and set you up for success. On the flip side, hiring the wrong people can drive your fledgling business right into the ground.

When you’re focused on rapid growth, it’s easy to make the mistake of hiring anyone who seems capable of getting their work done. But it’s worth your time to set your sights high and be selective. If you settle for low-hanging fruit in the beginning, it can be hard to go back and change your team later. Look for professionals who are high performers and who believe in your company’s stated mission.

If you’re not confident in your ability to manage the hiring, onboarding, and payroll processes, consider outsourcing these responsibilities. Working with a professional employer organization is a great way to outsource some of your most time-consuming human resources functions. A PEO can manage things like employee payroll, new hire reporting, and employer payroll tax filings. It can also handle benefits-related paperwork and other administrative functions so you have more time to stay focused on your scaling goals.

2. Create a Smart Expansion Plan

Rapid growth is a great goal, but you’re unlikely to achieve it if you don’t have a plan. Laying a foundation of small goals is essential for obtaining the type of growth you want. If you want to expand into another market, for example, you need to figure out how to do so responsibly. This might include researching the new region to make sure there’s sufficient demand for your products or services.

Next, you’ll need to figure out how you’ll allocate your financial and operational resources to enter the new market. You need to make sure you can support local consumer demands without putting product supplies in more established areas at risk. You’ll also want to create an effective marketing plan to help your business gain rapid traction in the new market.  

Don’t forget to anticipate problems you’ll likely run into as you grow. That way you’ll be prepared to deal with them as they come instead of getting totally derailed by them. One of the most common scaling challenges is outgrowing the capabilities of your customer service team. The last thing you want to do is rapidly add customers without having the ability to support their needs, concerns, and complaints. If you need to, outsource some of your customer service responsibilities while you grow your internal CS team.

3. Figure Out How to Fund Rapid Growth

Scaling a startup requires money. As you grow, you need to purchase more inventory, hire more employees, and build an infrastructure that’s capable of supporting rapid growth. All of this requires working capital, which is often in short supply with new businesses. That’s why you need to make sure you have a reliable source of financing.

Fortunately, there’s no shortage of choices when it comes to your financing options. You could go the traditional route and get a bank loan specifically designed for small businesses. Or, you could open a business line of credit to provide optimum flexibility and revolving access to funds. If you’re worried about qualifying for a traditional loan, you could always apply for a microloan, which offers low interest rates and fast funds.

But beyond traditional loan applications, you might also consider generating funds in less conventional ways. For example, crowdfunding your venture creates a sense of community ownership of your products. It also generates excitement and buzz surrounding your brand. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to financing your venture.

4. Don’t Lose Your Sense of Fun


Don’t let your rapid scaling goals suck the life and passion out of your business-growing journey. When you become hyper-focused on achieving your growth goals, it’s easy to lose the fun factor and become too robotic. It won’t take long for employee morale and productivity to plummet, if the work environment becomes too stoic and disciplined.

Employee burnout is a common consequence of requiring too much from your team members. Too much responsibility and unrealistic expectations can cause employees to become exhausted and unfulfilled at work. This, in turn, can lead to decreased productivity and a high employee turnover rate.

To make scaling more enjoyable, try to keep the work environment positive and fun. Check in with your team members often and make sure they feel like they can handle their workloads. Make goal-reaching an exciting process by providing individual and team rewards for every objective reached.

Scaling your small business quickly can improve your long-term likelihood of success as long as you do it wisely. These tips can help you grow from a startup to an established company in minimal time.

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Anuja Lath

Digital Marketing Expert

Anuja is the Co-founder and CEO of RedAlkemi Online Pvt. Ltd., a digital marketing agency helping clients with their end to end online presence. Anuja has 30 years of work experience as a successful entrepreneur and has co-founded several ventures since 1986. She and her team are passionate about helping SMEs achieve measurable online success for their business. Anuja holds a Bachelors degree in Advertising from the Government College of Fine Arts, Chandigarh, India.


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