How to Treat Pneumonia, and Science

A recent Cochrane meta-analysis reaches the succinct, clear, and rather startling conclusion that the treatment of severe pneumonia should include corticosteroids (generally known simply as “steroids”) to reduce mortality and morbidity alike. That unusually decisive and rather emphatic punch line is fortified by this fact: the practice is apt to save a life for every 18 patients or so treated (a parameter in clinical epidemiology known as the “number needed to treat”).


Chief Growth Officer and The Healthcare System

Just for S&G's (Snickers and Giggles) me a favor. Input only a comma on your LinkedIn search and hit SEARCH. You should come up with close to 143 Million people.


The Future of Jobs and Businesses - Technology and Being a Polymath

Today, one thing that is common among-st all the mid-level and high-end organization is that, all of them boast of having ‘best practices’, ‘industry expertise’ and ‘sophisticated processes’ in whichever business they might be involved in. You can even find this mentality within most professionals. They believe that being an expert in one field is the key to success and specialization creates a mark in the society.


Leverage Artificial Intelligence to Build your Sales Pipeline

“I believe this artificial intelligence is going to be our partner. If we misuse it, it will be a risk. If we use it right, it can be our partner” - Masayoshi Son, Chief Executive Officer of SoftBank


Leading your Sales Team to Success with The Right Support

Tech companies in Singapore are heavily reliant on their sales teams to bring in revenue. That means a lot of responsibility and pressure on sales managers and individual team members alike.

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