Why People Leave Their Manager and What You Can Do About It

At the end of the meeting, my soon to be ex-colleague sat across the table from me and said something I will never forget “I didn’t know what my job was, why I was doing it and how I was doing.” It was those words that summarized almost exactly why the cliche “People leave managers, not companies” is true. Reality had set in, she was leaving me, not the business. 


The Secret Behind Real-Time Access to Actuals

The whole strength of the dynamic planning concept is the ability to gain insights about the organization at a frequency greater than the annual planning cycle. To gain these insights, however, there needs to be a way to access data on a company-wide basis, in real time. We need access to actuals to give us the clearest picture of the true state of the organization at anytime from anywhere.


Higher Order Thinking and Leadership

There has been much written about leadership and leaders, but what about the interaction between higher order thinking and leadership. If we want to cultivate good leadership, we need to understand what role higher order thinking plays.


Semantics and Machine Learning

Machine Learning is supplanting both Big Data and Data Scientist as marketing buzzwords, and as is typical, as it gains in popularity it also loses whatever more precise meaning that it had before. People tend to talk about machine learning without necessarily knowing precisely is being described, and see it as its own whole, separate discipline rather than being simply one aspect of a complex graph of related technologies.


One Thing You Can Learn From Jordan Spieth to Be Successful in Business

Jordan Spieth is on the verge of making golf history. At just the ripe age of 24, Spieth has won three legs of the career Grand Slam (winning all 4 professional golf majors).

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