5 Tips on How to Make a Website Look Professional

A business website is the representation of a brand. Not every online visitor is your customer. So, you need to be a problem solver for your niche specific audience. Remember, these visitors may or may not revisit your business website, depending on the kind of experience they've had the first time.


The 10 Most Common Cyber Security Issues

Are you worried about the security of your website? Trust me, you are not alone, most businesses fear hackers, that's why they are consistently improving their cyber security to stay competitive. This allows customers to get a convenient browsing experience without getting worried about their data.


4 Steps to Achieving Your BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal!

They say, "failures can be forgiven, but aiming low is a crime to do". So we must aim for the moon if we want to go really high in the sky. This sounds great though, but what does it really mean to us?


Zip Codes of Medical Destiny

When the PURE diet study papers roiled headlines around the world recently, I wrote an admittedly lengthy analysis. I didn’t feel I had much choice; the publications encompassed three distinct research papers, reams of data, and a whole lot of what proved to be mostly misguided interpretation of the findings by the media, and the investigators themselves. Getting the story sorted out reliably involved some heavy lifting, and considerable verbiage.


The Evolution of Financial Planning and Analysis

A lot has changed over the past 20 years in the world of planning, forecasting, and analytics. Previously, a lack of clarity into the actual performance of an organization, and the lack of raw data on a real-time basis, meant we built a greater degree of uncertainty into our models. Likewise, the ability to adapt to change in real time was clouded by this lack of data due to cost, availability, and/or timeliness. The result was impairment of our ability to effect necessary changes as events unfolded around us.

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