Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine learning and deep learning are often confused to be the same. The following article highlights their main differences and how both technologies will change the world.


Knowing What You Know

Knowing what you know has been one of the ways that metacognition has been described. Having done some research in the area, I believe that knowing what you know is the foundation of metacognition. If you don’t know what you know, then how do you know what you don’t know.


The Freakonomics of Indian Marriage – Part 2

In the first part, I discussed how educational and economic empowerment of women has been eroding their bargaining power in India’s matrimonial market. As a result, grooms (or their families) expect (and often extract) some kind of premium or scarcity rent from the brides. Are brides or their families so helpless? Does economics provide any guidance on how women can improve their bargaining power in matrimonial market without compromising their career goals?


13 Influencers You Should be Following to Be a Better Leader

People are spending an enormous amount of time each day checking social media. A recent study showed teens are spending as much as nine hours a day, and the average person is spending roughly two hours.


How Positivity Helps – In Life and In Start-Ups

You’ve all heard this particular bit of advice on positivity along with all the clichés about silver linings and half-full glasses. It is quite easy to tell someone to be positive but what really matters is the thinking behind it. You can repeat ‘Be positive’ until you’re blue in the face and you can still be bitter and negative about everything. Instead, every time you have a negative thought or attitude, ask yourself why and argue with your negative side. With time, you will automatically question every negative thought.

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