China Now Has a Trade Deficit

A large share of the concern over China's effect on the world economy starts with large Chinese trade surpluses. But in the first few months of 2018, China's trade balance was negative (using the standard broad measure of the current account balance). That is, China had a trade deficit, not a trade surplus. For example, the Economist magazine reports: "China’s vanished current-account surplus will change the world economy" (May 17, 2018).  The South China Morning Post reports: "China’s first current account deficit for 17 years ‘could signal fundamental shift" (May 4, 2018).


The Death of the Credit Card - What else will Become Obsolete in the Next Decade?

Bob Dylan once sang "the times they are a changin" and given that we live in exponential times this has never been more true. A recent report by 'think tank' RethinkX suggests 5 everyday products or services that will gradually become as extinct as the dinosaurs.


6 Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for a while, but still remains a strong buzzword. The technology has evolved to rule today’s marketing sphere.


Heart Disease is Not Hypothetical

A commentary published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine contends that saturated fat is uninvolved in coronary artery disease. Before you get too excited: the commentary is comprised only of theory and opinion, none of it new, all of it expressed by these same authors before. The cited support involves no new research either.


7 Leadership Lessons You Don't Want to Learn the Hard Way

Everybody loves to focus on the things you must do to be a great leader. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, it's often our weaknesses or things we don't know that end up hurting us the most.

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