Digital Marketing Strategy Ideas for Startups

There is nothing more exciting than launching a startup. It’s a unique experience altogether when you get to work on an idea and turn it into a reality.


Why Information Is No Longer Enough

Take a moment and think about a recent conversation you had that was rewarding and useful. You likely had a lot to say, as did everyone else involved. There was a lot of back and forth as everyone took their time to express their opinions while giving others the chance to share their insights.


End Subsidies for Parking Before They Kill Us

Parking subsidies – for city residents and for visitors – adversely impact a city’s air pollution, the health and quality of life of its residents, as well as its economy. They must end.


I Cut My Lawn and Sipped My Soda, Then Realized He Killed Her

I'm fairly certain he killed her. I came to the realization of this one hot, sunny day on my back porch.


The Stockholm Congestion Charge

Economists have long argued that it's very hard to build your way out of traffic congestion--regardless of whether the building means adding lanes to roads or adding mass transit. The fundamental issue is that many of the people commuting to work have three adjustments they can make: some of them can adjust the time they choose to travel; some of them can adjust the route they travel; and some of them can adjust the method of their travel (single car vs. carpool, car vs. mass transit, and the like).

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