Education and Predictions: 2019

Predictions are hard under any circumstances. For starters, for predictions to be good (and predictive), they must rest on certain assumptions remaining stable. And, in our current world (economically, politically, environmentally, psychologically), stability is hard to find. We live in a "wobbly" world on all fronts.


Interview with Lawrence Katz: Inequality, Mobility, and More

Douglas Clement has a characteristically excellent "Interview with Lawrence Katz" in The Region, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, published September 25, 2017. The subheading reads: "Harvard economist on the gender pay gap, fissuring workplaces and the importance of moving to a good neighborhood early in a child’s life." The interview offers lots to chew on. Here, I'll just pass along some of Katz's thoughts on a couple of points. 


Biochipping & Blockchain — Dystopian or Decentralized Future?

Of all the table games at casinos, I’ve always had a preference for blackjack — in particular because if you play disciplined basic strategy and count cards and the casino doesn’t use a card shuffling machine but deals from a 6-deck shoe (plus another bunch of rules which I won’t go into detail with), you can get the odds to within 48.5% in favor of the player — meaning the house has its odds whittled down to 1.5% over a disciplined player.


Joan Robinson on Poets, Mathematicians, Economists, and Adam Smith

Joan Robinson, in her book Economic Philosophy (1962, pp. 26-28), offers a meditation on how Adam Smith perceived poets and mathematicians-- and then on how economist fall in-between. Her argument is that mathematicians have an agreed-upon method for evaluating errors. Poets do not. And economists fall in between--which introduces a personal element into all economic controversies. In the passage that follows, I'm especially fond of two of her comments: 


Deploying Energy Solutions for Professionals Means Learning How to Get out of Your Comfort Zone

Providing energy solutions to large consumers is less and less to meet an isolated need, so less and less sell only energy. On the contrary, it means knowing how to accompany them for a long period of time, responding to their new needs as and when they are ahead of them.

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