Emerging Market Sensitivity to US Monetary Policy – What does the Fed think?

Emerging market currencies have suffered from US interest rate increases. The Dallas Fed proposes reserve/GDP ratio as a simple indicator of stress. If tightening is nearly complete their may be buying opportunities in EM stocks. 


How to Avoid Scaling up Killing Your Company Culture

The moment your very success is the very thing that threatens to kill your business comes as quite a surprise. For me the moment, in my last business, hit me like a slap in the face with a wet fish. Not something you forget!


What Sickcare and Global Energy Can Learn From Each Other

Few, if any, industries can be fixed from inside. If you give a conference and only have few people sitting in the audience, the likelihood is that at the next year's conference the same people will be talking about what they talked about last year.


"You Cannot Convict Your Opponent of Error; You Can Only Convince Him Of It"

Those of us who write about economics can only nod knowingly at a comment from John Maynard Keynes in 1934, in a a fragment of writing that was probably part of a draft of the preface for the General Theory. He wrote:


Electricity and Gas vs Energy Intelligence

The sole activity of energy companies vis-à-vis their residential customers has been, for decades, to provide and sell them, gas and electricity, in seemingly unlimited quantity and with a minimum of shortages.

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