The Puzzle of the US Productivity Slowdown

In the long-run, the average standard of living in an economy is determined by the average productivity of its workers. For example, Paul Krugman started Chapter 1 of his 1990 book, The Age of Diminished Expectations, by stating: "Productivity isn't everything, but in the long run it is almost everything. A country's ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker."


5 Reasons Leaders Should Be Using Snapchat

At thirty-six years old, I am in an interesting position in the professional world. I am not young enough to be an expert in every new social application that comes out; however, I understand how important it is to pay attention to trends and use them to further my business. Leaders and business professionals who are ten, twenty, thirty years older than me seem to want to complain about the young professional (millennials) using (attached) to these apps. Whether they like it or not, it’s a reality of the world in which we live and do business in, and it’s not going away. Instead of digging their heels in the sand, these leaders need to use new tools to educate, engage, and enlighten their current and future employees.


Drones will Benefit Farmers in these 3 Ways

Drones play an essential role in revolutionizing agriculture. By adopting drones, farmers can increase crop yields, reduce time and efforts invested, and significantly gain maximum return on investment.


Should We Fear the Singularity of Artificial Intelligence

Although the concerns expressed by influential figures and the general public regarding the possibility and the potential effects of the singularity are not completely invalid, there is still a long way to go before artificial intelligence (AI) can become competent enough to overtake humans.


Are There Gender Differences In Workplace Communication?

What have you noticed in your workplace? Are there differences in the communication style of men and women? And, if there are, which style is better?

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