Catastrophizing: How to stop the Anxiety Cycle

An anxious person can turn almost anything into a possible catastrophe and catastrophizing is a common occurrence in people that are feeling anxious. It is caused by anxiety but also serves to fuel anxious symptoms. Because of the cyclical worsening that happens with symptoms of anxiety it is important to interrupt this cycle. People often stop living in the moment and spend much of their time worrying about the future.


How to Avoid Creating a Psychopathic AI

The world’s first psychopath AI serves as a reminder that although newer, improved, and increasingly complex algorithms continue to be developed, the need for good, unbiased data will always be paramount.


The Energy Transition is Not only a Matter of Scenario

RTE, the French TSO, has recently published 5 energy transition scenarios to help policymakers set a framework for the French energy policy. These are 5 more scenarios.


Modern Warfare: What an Armed Conflict in the Future Could Look Like

The increasing importance of information in military and warfare is making digital technology and its applications, such as analytics, AI, and augmented reality, indispensable to the future of war.


Why Every Leader Should Delete Facebook Today

Before you get all upset, I don’t mean delete your Facebook account entirely; just the Facebook app on your phone. I don’t think that Facebook is inherently evil. It’s a great way to keep up with the lives of family, friends, and colleagues, not to mention a fundamental tool in the marketing of many successful businesses.

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