5 Ways Technology Can End the World as We Know it

The digital and physical worlds are merging, as every process and system in every sphere of life is being underpinned by digital technology, which we are becoming increasingly dependent on. When technology fails, either through human interference or due to intrinsic imperfections, the result can be a disaster of apocalyptic proportions.


GST Rates Cut, Affordable Housing Redefined

The slash in GST rates to 5% without ITC from the previous 12% with ITC for premium homes, and to 1% minus ITC for affordable homes from the earlier 8%, gives the beleaguered realty sector the much-needed breathing room and will certainly help it maintain some forward momentum in 2019. Another booster shot given by the government is changing the very definition of the budget-range of affordable housing.


HIMSS: Thoughts on Conference's Value

This is, I think, my final piece sharing my thoughts about the HIMSS 2019 Conference. I had wanted to report and reflect on the value of this conference, attended by some 43,000 individuals engaged in one way or another in healthcare delivery and improvement.  


Are Cryptocurrency Funds Expensive?

Eddie Irving wakes up at the crack of dawn every morning to tend to his begonias. A green thumb, the retiree enjoys starting the day early and reading the Wall Street Journal from his brownstone in a suburb of Queens. Irving, 74, retired from Con Edison over a decade ago, where he was an account manager and which continues to pay him a small pension.


China's High Savings Rate

China has a remarkably high savings rate in a typical year--and sometimes its higher than that. In fact, the main reason for China's high trade surpluses is that with such a high savings rate, China doesn't consume either a lot of imports or domestically produced goods. A reason that China can invest so much, year after year, is that the investment is financed by high savings rates. A standard recommendation for China's economy for at least the last 15 years or so is to "rebalance" toward being an economy driven by domestic consumption, not by investment.

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