Jealousy, Inferiority, Politics, Stress: 10 Steps for Using these as your Strengths!

If one or more from below list of things apply to you or someone you care about, let's explore how to come out of these negative emotions and use them as our strengths:


7 Awful Things Leaders Do To Their Employees

We focus a lot on what leaders can do to improve, but we often forget to analyze our current actions and which behaviors we need to stop doing. Most likely, you aren’t an awful leader, but there are definitely some things you don’t want creeping into your relationships with your employees.


Universal Basic Income: Preliminary Results from the Finnish Experiment

The big selling points for a universal basic income are simplicity and work incentives. The simplicity arises because with a universal basic income, there are no qualifications to satisfy or forms to fill out. People just receive it, regardless of factors like income levels or whether they have a job. There are not bureaucratic costs of determining eligibility, and no stigma of applying for such benefits or in receiving them.


I know but I love her

Me: Hello, I'm Doctor Profeta. What seems to be the problem?


JPM Coin — What is it Good For?

In numerous Reddit discussions and on Twitter, Jamie Dimon, CEO of banking giant, J.P. Morgan is seen as the Bitcoin anti-Christ. In 2014, the outspoken CEO declared that Bitcoin was a “terrible store of value,” adding a year later that he thought it would not survive.

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