The Characteristics of Toxic Leadership

Toxic Leadership is characterized by mistreatment of subordinates in a corporate structure, resulting in a destructive and harmful working environment. Work is a very integral and important part of our lives. Considering the amount of time the average person spends at work, it becomes like a ‘second home’. So, when relationships at work become difficult, especially with upper management, it is a source of infinite stress and difficulty. You may love your job but you come to hate it because of the unhealthy environment that you are forced into.


What High Tech Can Learn from the Military and Aerospace Industries

Whether you’re the director of operations at a SMB or the vice president of engineering at a global enterprise, achieving operation excellence is your number one responsibility; however, a flatter manufacturing world — with globally dispersed supply chain teams — has made overseeing product development processes more challenging.


How Blockchain Technology Will Change The World

The world of money and finance is changin­­g fast. Digitized assets and new financial channels, instruments and systems are creating new paradigms for financial transaction and conduits of capital. You’ve probably heard of the terms Bitcoin, which at its essence is digital cash, and blockchain technology that enables transactions.


The Paradoxical Work Force

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours, Harry S. Trumen. After several months where work seemed stalled on several fronts, things finally started to become busier again recently, enough so that I've had only minimal opportunities to update my LinkedIn posts. However, I've been thinking hard about the nature of work for a while now, and have come to some disturbing conclusions about what I think is happening structurally worldwide.


Companies Can Personalize Marketing without Being Creepy

When Mary Meeker’s most recent Internet Report came out, a few things caught my eye. A lot of what Mary talks about is the shift to social, video, more interactive, virtual experiences and walled gardens (Facebook and Google own 85% share of digital spend). While ad spend continues to migrate to digital channels, marketers are shifting dollars to focus on delivering quality branded experiences over volume-based programmatic ads.

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