Unpacking The Many Benefits of Web Application Firewalls

Unpacking The Many Benefits of Web Application Firewalls

Daniel Hall 7 hours ago
Unpacking The Many Benefits of Web Application Firewalls

Web applications are the heartbeat of most modern organizations.

Customers, employees, and partners interact with web apps and APIs to place orders, access services, manage accounts, and get work done. But what happens when those vital apps come under attack? Far too often, organizations realize too late that their web applications are vulnerable to compromise. And they lack adequate safeguards to detect and block threats targeting known and zero-day vulnerabilities.

That's where the power of the modern web application firewall (WAF) comes into play. WAFs provide the inspection depth, rapid deployment, continuous coverage, and real attack protection that perimeter defenses lack when it comes to securing web apps. Yet many IT security teams still undervalue or completely overlook integrating WAF capabilities.

In this article, we will demonstrate why more organizations should consider WAF adoption an essential component of application security and availability, highlighting some of the key yet often overlooked ways properly implemented WAFs fortify security, aid compliance, and improve operations for those relying on web applications and APIs. 


Ongoing Protection From OWASP Top 10 Threats

The OWASP Top 10 provides awareness around the most critical web application security risks. At the moment, these include threats like injection attacks, broken authentication, sensitive data exposure, and XML external entity attacks..

While app developers should aim to address these risks in their code, mistakes happen. And determined attackers actively scan for such vulnerabilities. A WAF provides an extra layer of protection to stop attacks targeting known vulnerabilities in web apps.

The OWASP Top 10 changes over time as new threats emerge and old ones become more or less popular. The great thing about a WAF is that rule sets and policies can be updated as needed without altering any application code. So protection against emerging OWASP Top 10 threats can be added immediately.

Catching Zero Days Before Patches Arrive

No matter how hard anyone tries, web applications will have zero-day vulnerabilities. Whether or not they are uncovered comes down to a few things. How much of a target you have on your back, how lucrative the exploit would be, and how simple it is to identify and take advantage of the flaw. Of course, most companies and developers actively try to uncover their own flaws before they become zero day attacks, but it’s also good to have some reinforcements. 

This is another area where WAFs really shine. They serve as a rapid reaction force to block attacks targeting zero-day application vulnerabilities in the critical window between discovery and remediation.

The precise attack patterns of emerging threats might not be known. But WAFs specialized in zero-day prevention can create broad signatures to block malicious probes and exploits based on unusual inputs, unexpected parameter combinations, suspicious behavior sequencing, and more. These rules halt threats and buy developers time to patch, redeploy, and further harden software.

Having this fast lane for zero-day protection minimizes business disruption, data loss, and reputation damage for security teams. And detailed attack forensics from WAF rule triggers help web app owners better understand risk exposure across a complex, ever-changing portfolio.

Preventing Business Logic Exploitation

Business logic flaws remain one of the most prevalent and high risk issues in web apps. Unlike a technical vulnerability, logic flaws play by the intended rules of an app. But in doing so exploit poor validation or assumptions in workflows like account signup, promotions, etc.

Because they adhere to the apps’ functions, identifying and patching these issues in code can be extremely difficult. However, WAFs specialized in logic testing can spot exploitation mid-attack. They understand valid vs suspicious use of web apps. And can create custom rules that provide a safety net around your app’s intended business logic and data flows.

Rapid Deployment and Scaling

Another major benefit of WAF solutions today is rapid and flexible deployment options. Modern WAFs require no changes to application code and can be stood up in proxy mode or AWS WAF rules in minutes.

This agility enables cybersecurity teams to quickly add an extra layer of protection for new or high risk web apps. Some may only need WAF inspection during launch, periods of change, or when under increased attack. Likewise, cloud-based WAFs make it easy to scale security up or down across the entire portfolio as traffic patterns change. No waiting on hardware or capacity. This level of agility keeps costs efficient while minimizing risk.

Granular Traffic Insights

While blocking threats remains the core focus, many modern WAFs also provide rich visibility into web traffic as it flows through. This includes high-level metrics on unique IPs, top locations and browsers, crawling patterns, but also drill-down forensics showing exactly what certain bots or attackers are doing.

These traffic analytics help organizations better understand usage patterns and anomalies. Having granular insights better informs authentication policies, fraud models, capacity planning, business logic assumptions, and more. All areas that security, development, and business teams appreciate.

Continuous Tuning and Auto Policy Updates

Maintaining effective security over time requires continuous tuning. Initial WAF policies must adapt to legitimate changes in web apps and usage patterns. Rules need updated as new attack data emerges. Supplying this level of care and feeding manually would require extensive ongoing effort.

Thankfully many WAFs now include continuous tuning based on both internal and global traffic patterns and attack intelligence. Issues get flagged for review automatically while still stopping threats thanks to looser initial blocking. Policies stay optimized without over blocking real users.

Some solutions even automatically push updated vulnerability protection to customer WAF instances when new threats targeting popular platforms emerge. This "set and forget" approach to web app security frees up internal resources dramatically.

Compliance and Operational Benefits

Implementing a WAF also provides advantages when preparing for compliance audits or creating security reports for leadership.

The detailed, structured logs from WAFs simplify gathering all evidence needed to demonstrate controls around web apps during assessments. Auditors no longer need manual compilation of data from various web servers and tools. And security analysts spend less time digging through noisy web logs full of bots and scrapers.

WAF logs also enable easy reporting on what OWASP threats were blocked, trends in bot vs human behavior, top requested URLs, and more. Leadership gains confidence that web apps have added layers of protection and visibility beyond standard practices.

Final Word

There may still be organizations out there viewing WAF adoption as simply a “check box” for compliance. Or a temporary band-aid to fortify security posture. But modern WAF solutions should be viewed as a critical operational component of the web application stack itself.

These tools provide essential visibility, rapid threat protection, and traffic insights that benefit security, operations, and business outcomes significantly. The costs of compromise from a successful attack or abuse of web apps almost always outweigh the minimal time and effort needed to implement robust WAF protections.

The threat landscape continues evolving rapidly. Determined attackers actively scan environments for any unpatched vulnerability or logic flaw to exploit. No organization can achieve 100% secure code and configurations across all web properties at all times. Mistakes happen. Priorities conflict. Something will get missed.

But a properly configured WAF can provide fail-safe guardrails even around less mature apps. It serves as an inner layer of defense should other protections fail or need time to catch up. And requiring no code changes, WAF rules can be added and updated as needed without burdening overloaded dev teams. When even the most secure code still benefits from having a WAF, why wouldn’t you deploy one?

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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