The Role of SOC in Incident Forensics and Investigation

The Role of SOC in Incident Forensics and Investigation

Daniel Hall 26/06/2024
The Role of SOC in Incident Forensics and Investigation

Imagine waking up one fine day to find that your company’s data got leaked.

You are uneasy, but then you realize, oh wait! I have the security operations center (SOC) team looking out for me.

The SOC team springs into action, making order out of chaos — investigating, collecting digital data, reviewing, and scrutinizing each and everything to figure out what went wrong. Let’s take a look at how the world of incident forensics works.

The Anatomy of an Attack


An alert goes off. The SOC team jumps into action, looking at the logs and inspecting the network. If something unusual catches their eye – this could represent an incident. The chase is on.

Collecting Digital Evidence

Digital footprints are everywhere. The SOC team takes the logs, the network packets, and the system images. Every little piece of information is a crucial part of the puzzle that they have to put together!

Analyzing the Data

Next up is a forensic analysis – checking file hashes, timestamps, and IP addresses. The SOC team also looks for patterns, connecting the dots to identify the issue. It takes a perfect set of skills to analyze all this data and understand what happened.

Understanding the Attack

An important step towards recovery? Figuring out the complete image.

How did the attacker come in?

What did they steal?

How do we ensure this doesn’t happen again?

With thorough analysis, the panic turns into a well-thought-out strategy.

Mitigation and Recovery

Once the attack vector is known, the SOC team can proceed toward mitigation. Fill in the hole, improve security, and ensure the incident does not repeat. They thwart the enemy and help the organization to stand stronger.

The Power of SOC as a Service

Companies often outsource their security and get a SOC as a service. This way, they get the expertise without needing to hire full-time employees. It is especially beneficial for small to midsize companies that cannot afford to have a full-fledged SOC in-house but still want to make sure their overall security posture is taken care of.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

The work doesn’t stop once the breach is over. The SOC team strengthens its defenses by identifying the breach and detecting how to catch it. They learn a lot from these “fist fights,” preparing them for future attacks. Each incident is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Real-Life Scenarios


For example, a retail company was breached.

How did it happen?

The SOC team went over the attack and found that a phishing email caused the whole incident. The company shared the email logs and the SOC team figured out which employee clicked the malware link.


SOC teams are the heartbeat of root cause investigation. Making order out of chaos and protecting organizations from potential threats. So, the next time a bell sounds, remember there’s a team of experts working to find the digital footprint

In today’s digital world, having a SOC with trusted skills is a necessity. They help keep the enemy at bay and make the world a safer place with every investigation.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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