Mr. Wrinkles for President

Mr. Wrinkles for President

Karen Gross 28/06/2024
Mr. Wrinkles for President

There was no winner in last night’s presidential debate. But, there was a loser: the American people.

In a nation of over 300 million people, these two candidates are the best we can do? Seriously, regardless of one’s political persuasion, the debate was hard to stomach.

I am calling it the Debate of the Un’s, as in: unhinged, untruthful, untrustworthy, unwell, unfitting, unaware, uninspiring, unintelligible, uncomfortable, unfathomable, unacceptable, unforgivable, unforgettable, unqualified, unsuitable and the list goes on and on. Oh, unreal.

That is why I feel compelled to nominate my basset hound Wrinkles for President. He’s got the right stuff. He cares about food scarcity; he wants clean water; he is kind and can be cooperative in the right settings; he can still learn and listen (he goes to school); he communicates well; he’s an excellent traveler; he speaks a universal language; he’s healthy. Add to all that the following demographic pieces of info: he’s the right age (42 if translated into human years); he’s tri-colored as in black, brown and white; he’s not a sexual predator (he’s neutered); and he has a lovely family.

We can smile over this suggestion made, of course, in jest but what happened last night is no joke. We don’t have the possibility of a qualified leader of the free world for the next four years. I’m embarrassed for our nation. I’m sad about and scared for the future. I am disappointed in our political choices.

On the non-jest side, I think Wrinkles (and his cat friend Apricat) both need to get passports. I have mine. It might be time to move to another nation.

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Karen Gross

Higher Education Expert

Karen is an educator and an author. Prior to becoming a college president, she was a tenured law professor for two plus decades. Her academic areas of expertise include trauma, toxic stress, consumer finance, overindebtedness and asset building in low income communities. She currently serves as Senior Counsel at Finn Partners Company. From 2011 to 2013, She served (part and full time) as Senior Policy Advisor to the US Department of Education in Washington, DC. She was the Department's representative on the interagency task force charged with redesigning the transition assistance program for returning service members and their families. From 2006 to 2014, she was President of Southern Vermont College, a small, private, affordable, four-year college located in Bennington, VT. In Spring 2016, she was a visiting faculty member at Bennington College in VT. She also teaches part-time st Molly Stark Elementary School, also in Vt. She is also an Affiliate of the Penn Center for MSIs. She is the author of adult and children’s books, the most recent of which are titled Breakaway Learners (adult) and  Lucy’s Dragon Quest. Karen holds a bachelor degree in English and Spanish from Smith College and Juris Doctor degree (JD) in Law from Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law.

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