Successful Tips to Build a Tech Startup

Anas Bouargane 22/12/2020 5

There is no better business idea in the digital era than to set up a tech company.

However, the market gaps are becoming too obvious, and everyone is looking to take advantage of them. As a result, the industry is getting crowded, and attaining success has ceased being a matter of doing the bare minimum. These tips should help you maneuver the industry and stay ahead of the competition:

1. Get an Office Space

While it’s impossible to succeed in today’s fast-paced corporate world without an online presence, doing it without a physical office has been shown to be just as difficult. Conventional office space will make you more credible and trustworthy and simplify workforce management. It also streamlines communication by allowing for in-person meetings.

For an office space that suits your needs and budget, there are several high demand real estate leasing in options out there. However, make sure to work with a commercial tenant representative in your search. Some real estate brokers represent both tenants and landlords and might be biased towards their bigger client — the landlord — so ensure you work with one that strictly serves tenants.

2. Create a Comprehensive Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment is an essential aspect of running a successful business. Since your company is still in its infancy, you need to ensure the few employees you get are the very best at what they do. Qualification is necessary, but do not dwell on it. Prioritize aptitude instead. Build a team of individuals whose skill sets complement each other, and create a strategy to get the most out of their talents. This may mean performing a relatively drawn-out recruitment exercise, but its short and long term benefits certainly outweigh the downsides.

3. Invest in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is your bridge to a strong digital presence. Start by creating a service website that describes exactly what your tech startup does and why a business or individual would need your services. Next, create a blog and make sure to keep it up to date with fresh content. Target both humans and search engines by optimizing your pages, developing a link-building strategy, and investing in local SEO.

4. Collect Reviews

Customers these days have too many options at their disposal that they can barely tell the genuine from the fake. Most are thus starting their search for tech services on review sites, meaning if your company’s name doesn’t appear there, these prospects may never even know you exist.

5. Stay Abreast of the Trends

The tech industry is still evolving. Most of the leading lights are up there because they either set the trends or are quick to adopt emerging ones. To go one better than your direct rivals, you must monitor the established companies and try to emulate them. This habit can even help you identify and exploit weaknesses in their service delivery and marketing strategies.


There is no shortcut to succeeding in the tech industry or any industry for that matter. What works for you might not work for the next person. However, if you are still a newbie in the game, these tips might help pull you closer to the companies in front of you.

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  • Pedro Lopez

    There are so many tools that there’s no excuse not to test before you hire.

  • Leigh Watson

    Whether your product is an app or a social network, having a list of committed customers to help you as you build your product or service will go a longer way than any amount of funding you can raise.

  • Tony Crawford

    It's all about getting creative

  • Leigh Watson

    Starting a tech business requires hard work, dedication and money.

  • Mike Heaton

    Once you get your tech company off the ground, you need to work just as hard to keep it going.