Joe Martin Tech Expert

Joe is VP of Corporate and Demand Marketing at Zight. He also served as the CMO of Stockchain Global and Advisory Board Member at Ylixr. He has over 15 years experience managing various areas of marketing including research, media buying, social, and overall strategy. His analyses have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Associated Press, and Forbes. Joe holds a BSc in Finance and MBA in Strategy & Marketing from the University of Utah. He also has an Executive Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Proven Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance in a Startup

Proven Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance in a Startup

Startup founders and employees find that achieving work-life balance can be challenging.

Boost Your Productivity With the Eisenhower Matrix

Boost Your Productivity With the Eisenhower Matrix

Eisenhower was a 5-star general during World War II.

Leveraging Automation to Improve Work-Life Balance

Leveraging Automation to Improve Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is challenging for many employees.

Productivity Hacks for Remote Workers

Productivity Hacks for Remote Workers

It’s no surprise that these days, there seem to be more and more opportunities for remote work, and an increasing creation of “distributed” workplaces.

The Beginner's Guide to Google Local Service Ads

Essential Guide to Use Google Local Service Ads

Thanks to the internet, business owners in San Francisco can easily sell goods and services to customers in New York City, London, and Tokyo.

7 Useful Small Business Marketing Tips

7 Useful Small Business Marketing Tips

If you want to get your small business off the ground, you know how important it is to attract new customers.

How To Build a Recession Proof Business

How To Build a Recession Proof Business

The Great Recession of 2008 was one that left many business owners in the United States feeling defeated, angry, and overwhelmed.

How To Avoid Burnout

How To Avoid Burnout

Stress is a fact of life.

The Importance of Core Values Within an Organization

The Importance of Core Values Within an Organization

What gets you up in the morning? Seriously think about it.

How to Grow a Business In a Post Pandemic Hybrid Workplace

How to Grow a Business In a Post Pandemic Hybrid Workplace

Starting a business post pandemic is difficult, but learning how to grow a business that’s already up and running is a challenge all of its own.

Essential Guide To Paid, Earned, and Owned Marketing

Essential Guide To Paid, Earned, and Owned Marketing

Marketing is sometimes seen as advertising or promotion of a product.

How Much is Advertising During The Big Game Worth?

How Much is Advertising During The Big Game Worth?

As a marketer what would you set the value at on 100 million + people seeing your ad?

How To Launch a New Business Website in 30 Days

How To Launch a New Business Website in 30 Days

Building a professional business website requires a lot of work as it showcases who you are as a company.

12 Predictions For Business, Technology, And The Modern Workplace

12 Predictions For Business, Technology, And The Modern Workplace

New years always bring about excitement, energy, and predictions for what will happen in the future.

How To Relaunch Your Brand Without A Meeting

How We Did a Brand Relaunch Without a Meeting

On March 31st we finally made the leap to bring a fresh new look to CloudApp.

‍5 Remote Working Hacks for the Modern Workplace

‍5 Remote Working Hacks for the Modern Workplace

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed everything, including how we work.

4 Ways to Beat Zoom Fatigue

4 Ways to Beat Zoom Fatigue

Video conferencing has never been more popular. And while this form of communication has obvious benefits, it has a dark side as well: namely, Zoom fatigue.

5 Steps for a Good Product Marketing Release in 2021

5 Steps for a Good Product Marketing Release in 2021

Ancient SaaS proverb: If a product feature never gets used was it even created at all?

The Future of Work is a Hybrid

The Future of Work is a Hybrid

Many companies started experimenting with remote work arrangements years ago — even before the global COVID-19 pandemic.

New Data During Covid-19 Shows Work Increase during the Morning Commute and After Hours

New Data During Covid-19 Shows Work Increase during the Morning Commute and After Hours

A month ago, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, and companies all over the United States and world asked their employees to work remotely and new data from CloudApp shows how that phrase has completely altered the way work has been done.


7 Tips to Boost Your Click Rates

Are your marketing efforts as effective as you'd like them to be? Do you want to boost sales without hiring a team of expensive sales reps?

Seeing 2020: Video Trends for the New Decade

Seeing 2020: Video Trends for the New Decade

Seeing is believing and, apparently, seeing is also working. The importance of visuals in the way we work and what we share is staggering, and it’s only growing according to the latest Video Trends in 2020 report from CloudApp.

7 Stats Leading the Remote Future of Work

7 Stats Leading the Remote Future of Work

Does the modern workplace have a need for an established office? 


The 4-Day Workweek: How 3 Diverse Companies Make It Work

3,000 employees across 8 nations were polled by the Workforce Institute at Kronos and they found that more than half of full-time workers thought they could do their job in five hours a day if they didn’t have any interruptions.


Essential Career Skills to Stay Ahead into 2020 and Beyond

The workplace continues to evolve even in 2020.


What Is TikTok and Should We Be Using It?

TikTok could be the biggest brand opportunity that we’re not quite sure what to do with yet. According to a recent survey from CloudApp, 40 percent of Gen Z spends 5+ hours a day watching YouTube or other social video content. 1 in 5 Gen Z office workers confessed to using 10+ hours of their workday on TikTok or other social related video.


Workplace Productivity in 2020

One of the most significant changes in today’s work environment is the people or lack-thereof. We’ve recently looked into whether the modern workplace has a need for an established office. The growth in remote work, the power of personal computers and laptops, plus the growth of SaaS capabilities that expand features and processing power all create a picture that is much more decentralized.


7 Tips to Help You Achieve Work Life Balance

It's hard to believe but the holiday season is just around the corner! Before you know it, you'll be cutting the turkey and wrapping gifts to place under the tree. The holidays are a wonderful time of year but if you're like most people, you struggle to unplug from work during them.Don't worry; we're here to help!In this article, we'll show you why unplugging is so essential and how to mentally disconnect from work while you're outside the office. Ready? Let's get started!


Tips for Using Video along Each Stage of the Funnel

Last week I had the chance to work with a good friend Leonard Kim on a joint webinar. We talked about usage of CloudApp, building a business, marketing strategy, and how to integrate video collaboration to improve your Top of Funnel (TOFU), Middle of Funnel (MOFU), and Bottom of Funnel (BOFU) conversions. 


Are We Nearing the End of Email? That was my first email account in 7th grade.


2019 is the Year of Productivity

The future of work is only as good as the productivity software you rely on. Time and money are two of the most important things in business. Without money you can’t keep your doors open, make payroll, or invest in the future. Time is undefeated in its quest to define business. It’s a finite resource, something that we never have enough of, and something that if placed in the wrong thing can set you back even more time.


Lessons from a Month without Notifications

My last day of a 5 week sabbatical from Adobe was similar to the first day it started. I got up with my two little boys and made them breakfast, brushed their teeth, and got their clothes on while my wife was with our baby. The next step was something I had never experienced before though, instead of heading off to work I stayed. I stayed longer than I had ever stayed away from work or school since I was 16 years old. Also, as I wrote about earlier, I completely shut down all notifications from both email and social media to go completely off the grid. I learned a lot about myself, my family, my job, but 3 things stand out.


Gone Fishing, My Break from Social Media

I’ve been given a gift over the next 5 weeks from my employer Adobe. Its not money, a promotion, or a traditional gift you might think of, but rather the gift of time. After 5 years of working at Adobe each employee is offered a 4 week sabbatical. A time to unwind, relax, and focus on the true things outside of work that bring us joy. The office also has a customary week shutdown during the week of 4th of July, so that gives me 5 weeks to spend with my family.


Social Analytics is the New Survey

How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend? Please answer on a scale from 1-10. This simple question developed by Fred Reichheld in 2003 during his time at Bain & Company became known as Net Promoter Score (NPS). Since then, this score has been largely accepted to be a way to measure customer loyalty, but that was before social media existed.


Could Customer Experience Be as Simple as a Light Post?

What is it that creates a great customer experience? Is it a good interaction with customer service or with a mobile website or app? Is it personalization in messaging, or something else entirely? In a recent survey by Gartner, it said that by 2017, 89 percent of marketers expect customer experience to be their primary differentiator.


The Robot Future Led By Humans

Can you run a complex algorithm for me that will save me time and make my company more money? Sure, Joe, I will get right on that. This might not be how we interact with artificial intelligence (AI) today, but it may not be far off. The future of work is a growing conversation with a 40% increase on social networks globally with Germans holding a slight edge at a 42% increase. Could the automation of more complex tasks be on the horizon?


Blockchain: The key to Financial Market Disruption

With the amount of focus on Blockchain tech over the last year, I thought it would be great to get an opinion piece from the founder of a blockchain led company, Ben Beasley, to contribute his thoughts on where blockchain might disrupt our current financial markets. Below is his post. 


Blockchain and Tulip Bulbs: The Disquieting Silence of Regulators

Blockchain is on a mainstream tear. Over the Thanksgiving weekend alone, Coinbase — the United States’ largest exchange for trading blockchain’s blue-chip crypto currencies, bitcoin and ethereum — added over 100,000 discrete accounts in a little over 24 hours. Not surprisingly, both bitcoin and ethereum zipped to all-time-high valuations and continue to dominate market discussions in traditionally buttoned-up magazines and outlets.


Where Do We Stand on Altered Reality?

“Pokémon Go: Meaningless Obsession or Augmented Reality Catalyst?” was a headline of a post I wrote in the summer of 2016 shortly before the gaming obsession hit full steam. Nearly 20 months after, where do we stand with the future of “reality”?


Automation and The Future of Work

My whole life I have loved robots. From watching Johnny 5 on “Short Circuit” to dreaming of having a maid like Rosie from “The Jetsons” as an adult. Some of my favorite movies as a teen had robots in them. “Terminator,” “Robocop,” “I, Robot” (Was I the only one?), and of course there is the resurging popularity of “Star Wars” and its sequels/spin-offs, which is nearing $2 billion in revenue globally. It’s clear that robots are at the forefront of everyone’s minds around the world. These great shows and movies got us thinking: What do people really think about the impact robots and automation are having on their lives, particularly work?


On Stockchain, Trust, and Tesla

The new buzz word of the last five years is disruption. We have seen AirBnB change the way the travel industry is viewed, Uber and Lyft change the way we get around, and Amazon continues to increase our expectations in retail. What might disruption in the financial industry look like? It starts and ends with blockchain.


BlockChain, AI, and Quantum Computing Dunkirk Style Key to 2018

The movie Dunkirk follows the heroic actions of many leading up to saving thousands of troops stuck on the Dunkirk beach in France. The events are played out in 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour formats and create a unique look at what transpired. As the new year approaches you will no doubt be bombarded by reports focused around “new trends” or “emerging tech”. This year consider a Dunkirk style approach as we go into 2018 by focusing on how my three top topics below can fit into your first month, first quarter, and the entire year of tech focus as a company.

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