Maximizing Your Assets: How Small Business Can Obtain Asset-Based Loans

Maximizing Your Assets: How Small Business Can Obtain Asset-Based Loans

Daniel Hall 05/07/2024
Maximizing Your Assets: How Small Business Can Obtain Asset-Based Loans

Maximizing assets for obtaining asset-based loans involves leveraging the value of a small business's tangible and intangible assets.

These assets include inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, and real estate, which can be used to secure financing.

Small businesses can enhance their eligibility by maintaining accurate financial records, demonstrating consistent cash flow, and ensuring their assets are in good condition. Additionally, presenting a solid business plan that outlines how the loan will be used to generate revenue and growth can significantly improve the chances of approval. By effectively showcasing the value of their assets and financial stability, small businesses can access the capital needed for expansion, operations, and other strategic initiatives through asset-based lending.

What Are Asset-Based Loans?

Asset-based loans offer business owners a line of credit using their assets as collateral. Unlike traditional loans, where lenders consider your cash flow and credit before issuing a loan, asset-based lenders consider available collateral like inventory, equipment, real estate, intellectual property, vehicles, or other property the borrower owns. 

Small businesses may seek asset-based loans to improve cash flow, cover operational expenses, refinance existing debt, or finance expansion or growth. Asset-based lenders advance funds based on a percentage of the asset’s value, and the borrower repays the loan with interest.

The Benefits of Asset-Based Loans for Small Businesses


Asset-based loans offer multiple advantages over traditional methods of financing for small businesses, including:

Ease of Approval

Asset-based loans have a more straightforward and lenient approval process compared to traditional loans. There are fewer financial requirements and less emphasis on the borrower’s credit score. Asset-based lenders focus more on the asset’s value and loan collateral than the performance of the business.

Improved Liquidity 

Asset-based loans offer improved liquidity to small businesses by offering quick access to needed capital. With assets as collateral, small business owners can unlock tied-up capital and free up cash for growth and expansion. 

Lower Costs

Asset-based loans generally involve lower fees compared to other loan options. Interest rates are typically lower, and fees such as origination, closing, and servicing fees that quickly add up with other loan types are not required. There are also no auditing requirements with asset-based loans, so you save costs associated with audit preparation and compliance. 


Asset-based loans are adaptable to the needs of the borrowers. Lenders can offer repayment plans and interest rates to suit the financial needs of the business. Loan amounts can also be adjusted, allowing businesses to borrow more or less depending on their requirements. Asset-based loans can also be repaid early without fees or penalties. 

Types of Assets That Can Be Used For Asset-Based Loans


Asset types you can use to obtain loans for your small business include:

Real Estate

Borrowers can use their commercial, residential, or development properties for asset-based loans. Lenders will appraise a property's value and condition to determine the asset's loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. They may also require borrowers to maintain property or home insurance to secure a loan. Property values can support larger loan amounts and typically have lower interest rates. 

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets) can also be used as collateral for asset-based loans. IP assets are valued based on their potential to generate revenue, market demand, and a competitive edge. To use these assets as collateral, borrowers must own or have exclusive rights to them and offer documentation to this effect. Due to their intangible nature, IP-based loans may involve higher complexities. 


Physical assets used in business operations may also be used as collateral for obtaining asset-based loans. These assets include machinery, furniture, fixtures, tools, and technological hardware. They can be used to provide financing for acquiring or upgrading new equipment, expanding operations, or improving efficiency. Equipment may be used to obtain loans based on their market worth, condition, and usefulness. To use equipment as collateral, borrowers must own the equipment outright and offer documentation to this effect. They may also need to demonstrate the equipment’s usefulness and meet specific lender requirements. 

Marketable Securities

Marketable securities are financial assets that can be traded easily on public markets. They include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, treasury bills, and exchange-traded funds. Marketable securities can be used as collateral for business loans based on their current market valuation. They offer holders access to funds without losing ownership of the securities and also provide flexibility in loan terms and repayment structures. 

Accounts Receivable 

Accounts receivable refers to the outstanding invoices or the amount of money owed to a business by its clients for goods or services sold on credit. It can also be used to obtain asset-based loans, providing financing for business operations or expansions. The accounts receivable load offers access to funds without sacrificing equity and allows small business owners to leverage existing assets. Lenders typically require a verified accounts receivable ledger before advancing this kind of loan. 

Who Qualifies for an Asset-Based Loan?

Your small business qualifies for an asset-based loan if you:

  • Own assets that can be used as collateral

  • Have a stable cash flow and financial situation

  • Are willing to pledge your assets as collateral 

  • Need alternative financing beyond traditional bank loans

Small businesses may need to meet a minimum asset value or revenue threshold before they can qualify for asset-based loans. They may also need to have a good credit history, though some lenders may consider borrowers with imperfect credit. Lender requirements vary, and you may need to speak with a financial advisor or asset-based lending specialist to explore your eligibility. 

How to Obtain an Asset-Based Loan 

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Steps to Obtaining an asset-based loan for your business include:

Determine Your Eligibility and Needs

Assess your financial situation to determine what you need and what loans you may qualify for.

Identify Suitable Lenders

Research suitable institutions, such as banks and specialized asset-based lenders that offer these types of loans to small businesses. Compare their loan terms, interest rates, fees, and repayment structures. 

Prepare Your Documents

Gather the necessary documents – financial statements, credit reports, asset valuations, legal documents, business licenses, etc. 

Apply for the Loan

Submit your applications and required documents to your lender. 

Loan Approval

You will receive a loan approval letter outlining terms and conditions if the lender deems you qualified for the loan. 

Close the Loan 

Sign the loan agreement, pledge your assets as collateral and receive the loan funds.

Make Repayments

Make regular repayments according to the agreed-upon schedule.


Asset-based loans offer a vital financial solution to help small businesses grow and flourish. They provide easy access to funds, ensuring small business owners overcome financial hurdles that may stifle business growth. If you’re a small business owner seeking cash injection, consider exploring asset-based loans as a viable option to push your business to the next level.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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