The Age of Super Intelligence

It is not only the change, but ‘the rate of change’ also that is increasing as we are moving forward in the journey of human evolution. All will agree that the most prominent contribution has come due to the widespread use of Internet, digital and computational technologies. Due to the ever-increasing speed of processing of digital computation, solutions to the new problems are becoming feasible.


The Correlation Between Setting Goals And Becoming Productive

In the 1950s, Japan was recovering from the after-effects of World War II. The country was focused on growing its economy. A large population resided in the cities of Osaka and Tokyo, which were separated by 320 miles of train track. Large amounts of raw material and labor were transported on those rail lines. However, the mountainous terrain and redundant railway system meant each journey could take up to twenty hours.


Ease Into Alignment

The following striking words will make you think of the infinite power of living life to the fullest. These verses are dedicated to the human spirit of perseverance in spite of the odds!


Entrepreneurs, Beware of the C-fallacy!

Before we go into avoiding the C-fallacy, let’s explain what it means. The C-fallacy refers to the Concorde fallacy, more famously known as the ‘sunk cost fallacy;’ a common type of human behaviour which makes us continue to do something that is of no value because of our emotional attachment and sense of ‘loss’. Simply put, it is the difficulty, humans face in making a rational decision on a failing project, when they have invested time, money, effort and belief into making it work. They would rather continue to waste their time, energy and money, rather than feel the pain of losing what they worked so hard for.


Mansplain? Hangry? Find Out What These New Words Actually Mean

So my little snowflakes, do you have a few minutes to let me mansplain to you my top 10 new words that have just been added to the Oxford English Dictionary? Well let's get on with it because I'm getting hangry.

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