More in Society

7 years

Forced Self-Reflection: Consider These Questions

I was recently asked by Denis Zekic  (founder of CeeDoo) to answer a set of written questions which he would then review for content and length. Thereafter, I would answer (edited as needed) the same questions orally on my cellphone using the video function; then those answers would be edited down and posted on LinkedIn. His idea was to showcase or share the voices of Top Voices on LinkedIn.

7 years

R.I.P. Large Conferences

"Big conferences are essentially worthless so I don't attend them anymore."This was the response to a question I received from a top tech CEO when asking him to provide tips to the audience on navigating large conferences so that there is some sort of ROI from the experience.

7 years

Ease Into Alignment

The following striking words will make you think of the infinite power of living life to the fullest. These verses are dedicated to the human spirit of perseverance in spite of the odds!

7 years

Tips For a More Productive Day

Every Sunday night I plan out 3–5 large goals to complete for the week, as well as sub-goals to get me there. There are all types of systems for doing this but what I do is block off time on my calendar to complete my goals. For example, I started a new company on January 14th, therefore, a lot of my goals right now are based on strategy.

7 years

How to Superstar

Motivation is a tricky little character. Being a "worker" often leads to large swings in motivation influenced by our bosses, co-workers, family life and a myriad of factors often outside of our control. Some days we walk in the door like we own the place and proceed to crush it like a BAWSE! And some days we do just enough to get through the day, staring at our watches wondering if sneaking out at 4:30pm would raise any eyebrows. And then the company superstar walks by. Smiling. Affable. Perfectly dressed. Asking how your daughter's presentation went at school. She totally remembered. Worse, you totally forgot.

7 years

Why I Give Every Lyft/Uber Driver 5-Stars

Whenever I enter a car — this refers to a Lyft/Uber — I always start with a, Hey how is it going? and typically follow up with a How has your day been? To me, this is important because I am entering the car of someone I have never met before and want to make sure the driver and any passengers are relaxed. Plus, a conversation can make the time more enjoyable.

7 years

What You Still Have Wrong About LinkedIn

If it is not evident, I am a huge fan of LinkedIn. And not just because they named me one of the top voices using the platform in 2017. LinkedIn has been the most powerful tool I have been able to use in my career. I truly believe that if you are not using it you are missing out. Here are some things that you may want to rethink when it comes to using the platform to benefit yourself.

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