Whiteboard Video vs. Animation: Which is Better for Your Brand?

Whiteboard Video vs. Animation: Which is Better for Your Brand?

Whiteboard Video vs. Animation: Which is Better for Your Brand?

When it comes to creating engaging and effective marketing content, businesses have a variety of options to choose from.

Among the most popular are whiteboard videos and traditional animations.  

Each of these formats has its own unique strengths and can be highly effective, depending on your goals and target audience. 

In this article, we will compare whiteboard videos and animations, helping you decide which is better for your brand.

Understanding Whiteboard Videos

What is a Whiteboard Video?

A whiteboard video is a type of explainer video where content is hand-drawn and animated on a whiteboard or white background. 

This format typically features a hand sketching out images and text in real-time, often accompanied by a voiceover explaining the concepts being drawn. Whiteboard videos are known for their simplicity and ability to break down complex information into easily digestible visuals.

Benefits of Whiteboard Videos

  1. Simplicity: Whiteboard videos use straightforward visuals and clear explanations, making complex information easy to understand.

  2. Engagement: The act of watching a drawing come to life can captivate audiences, keeping them engaged from start to finish.

  3. Versatility: Whiteboard videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including educational content, product explanations, and storytelling.

  4. Cost-Effective: Creating a whiteboard video can be more affordable than producing a full-scale animation, especially when using a whiteboard video maker.

Popular Uses for Whiteboard Videos

  • Educational Content: Ideal for explaining complex topics in a simple and engaging way.

  • Product Demos: Effective for showcasing how a product works or highlighting its benefits.

  • Storytelling: Great for creating narrative-driven content that captures the audience's imagination.

Understanding Animation

What is Animation?

Animation encompasses a broad range of techniques that bring static images to life through movement. Traditional animation can include 2D or 3D graphics, character animations, motion graphics, and more. 

Unlike whiteboard videos, animations can be highly detailed and visually rich, offering a more polished and dynamic viewing experience.

Benefits of Animation

  1. Visual Appeal: Animations can be visually stunning and highly detailed, making them ideal for creating a memorable brand image.

  2. Flexibility: With animation, the creative possibilities are virtually limitless, allowing for the creation of unique and imaginative content.

  3. Branding: Animations can be tailored to match your brand’s color scheme, style, and tone, ensuring consistency across your marketing materials.

  4. Engagement: High-quality animations can captivate audiences and hold their attention, making them effective for storytelling and brand promotion.

Popular Uses for Animation

  • Branding: Creating visually appealing content that reflects your brand’s identity.

  • Advertisements: Producing eye-catching ads that stand out in a crowded market.

  • Storytelling: Telling complex stories with rich visuals and engaging characters.

Comparing Whiteboard Videos and Animation

Engagement and Viewer Retention

Whiteboard Videos: The simplicity and step-by-step drawing process of whiteboard videos can keep viewers engaged and help them retain information better. The visual storytelling technique makes it easier for audiences to follow along and absorb complex information.

Animation: High-quality animations can captivate viewers with vibrant visuals and dynamic motion. However, poorly executed animations can be distracting or overwhelming, leading to lower retention rates.

Cost and Production Time

Whiteboard Videos: Typically, whiteboard videos are more cost-effective and quicker to produce, especially when using a whiteboard video maker. The simplicity of the visuals means less time and resources are required for production.

Animation: Depending on the complexity, animations can be more expensive and time-consuming to produce. High-quality 2D or 3D animations require skilled animators and more extensive post-production work.

Versatility and Flexibility

Whiteboard Videos: While versatile, whiteboard videos may be limited in terms of visual style and complexity. They are best suited for educational content and simple explanations.

Animation: Animation offers greater flexibility and can be used to create a wide range of content, from simple motion graphics to detailed character animations. This makes it ideal for branding and storytelling.

Brand Identity and Professionalism

Whiteboard Videos: The hand-drawn style of whiteboard videos can convey a sense of authenticity and approachability, making them suitable for brands that want to appear friendly and accessible.

Animation: Well-executed animations can enhance a brand’s professionalism and sophistication. They are ideal for brands looking to make a strong visual impact and stand out in a competitive market.

When to Use Whiteboard Videos

  • Educational Content: When you need to explain complex concepts in a simple, engaging manner.

  • Budget Constraints: When you need a video solution that is cost-effective and quick to produce.

  • Narrative Storytelling: When you want to create a straightforward narrative that guides the viewer through a process or story.

When to Use Animation

  • Brand Building: When you want to create visually stunning content that reflects your brand’s identity.

  • High-Impact Ads: When you need to produce eye-catching advertisements that grab attention.

  • Creative Storytelling: When you want to tell complex stories with rich visuals and engaging characters.

Tips for Creating Effective Whiteboard Videos

  1. Keep It Simple: Focus on clear, concise visuals that enhance understanding.

  2. Engage with a Story: Use storytelling techniques to keep viewers engaged.

  3. Use a Professional Whiteboard Video Maker: Tools like Doodly or VideoScribe can help you create high-quality whiteboard videos efficiently.

Tips for Creating Effective Animations

  1. Invest in Quality: High-quality animations require skilled animators and good production tools.

  2. Align with Your Brand: Ensure that the style and tone of the animation reflect your brand’s identity.

  3. Focus on the Viewer: Create content that is engaging and relevant to your target audience.


Both whiteboard videos and animations have their unique strengths and can be highly effective tools for your brand, depending on your specific needs and goals. Whiteboard videos are ideal for educational content, simplicity, and budget-friendly production. 

On the other hand, animations offer greater flexibility, visual appeal, and are perfect for branding and high-impact advertisements.

By understanding the strengths and applications of each format, you can choose the one that best fits your brand’s needs and create compelling content that resonates with your audience

Whether you opt for the simplicity of whiteboard videos or the dynamic visuals of animation, the key is to create engaging, high-quality content that effectively communicates your message.

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Anas Bouargane

Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

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