Search Underway for TV Doctor Michael Mosley Missing in Greece

Search Underway for TV Doctor Michael Mosley Missing in Greece

Riddhi Doshi 06/06/2024
Search Underway for TV Doctor Michael Mosley Missing in Greece

TV doctor Michael Mosley, famous for popularizing the 5:2 diet, has gone missing while on holiday on the Greek island of Symi.

The 67-year-old dieting guru, familiar to British viewers from his appearances on This Morning, did not return from a hike on the island of Symi, near Rhodes, which is part of the Dodecanese chain of islands.

A comprehensive search and rescue operation is currently underway, involving a police dog, a drone, and a helicopter from Athens to assist in the search, according to Symi's deputy mayor.

Dr. Mosley, who is well-known for his work on programs such as the BBC series Trust Me, I'm a Doctor and appearances on BBC's The One Show and ITV's This Morning, left his wife on the beach to walk to the center of the island on Wednesday. His phone was found at their accommodation, and his wife reported him missing, as confirmed by a police spokesperson.

After initial efforts by island officers proved unsuccessful, assistance was requested from the Greek fire department in Athens. Firefighters arrived from nearby Rhodes at 14:00 local time (12:00 BST) on Thursday. The search team includes firefighters, volunteers, police officers, a police dog, and a drone. Officers are also reviewing CCTV footage for any signs of Dr. Mosley.

The rescue operation is focused on the Pedi area of Symi, following a report of a sighting on Wednesday. Despite the area's dangers, Dr. Mosley was reportedly seen in a safer part of it. Symi's mayor, Eleftherios Papakalodoukas, expressed skepticism that Dr. Mosley remained in the area, suggesting he might have taken a different path or fallen into the sea.

An appeal with Dr. Mosley's picture was posted on a local Facebook group, describing him wearing a blue cap, polo shirt, and shorts, and noting that he had set off from Agios Nikolaos beach around 13:30 and failed to return.

Symi, part of Greece's Dodecanese island group, has a population of around 2,600. The UK Foreign Office has stated they are supporting Dr. Mosley's family and are in contact with local authorities.

Authorities are urging anyone with information about Dr. Mosley's whereabouts to come forward. Family and friends of Dr. Mosley have expressed their deep concern and hope for his safe return.

The local community has rallied together, distributing flyers and organizing search parties to help find him. Social media campaigns have been launched to spread awareness and gather any potential leads.

Experts in search and rescue operations have been flown in to assist with the complex search effort.

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Riddhi Doshi

Mental Health Expert

Riddhi Doshi trains and coaches corporate leaders, educators and parents on issues of mental health and behavior. She is an internationally certified Parenting & Behaviour Coach. In past 15+ years she has conducted 2540+ open workshops, delivered 87000+ hours of talks, 53000+ hours of counseling sessions covering 59000+ students and 62,000+ women from various fields. Parenting sessions conducted by Riddhi are housefull and recent;y she completed her 366th Parenting session. She has been a speaker and advisor at various institutions and organizations including IIM, Ahmedabad, Rotary Club, Tata Power, Larson & Toubro and The Time of India. She holds an MBA in HRD, LLM and numerous other professional certifications from prestigious international institutions including University of Cambridge, BSY University, London, City & Guilds, London, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and NMIMS, Mumbai. She has been awarded with “National Award for Cultural Activities by AVANTIKA- Delhi”, “Excellence in Wellness”, “Young Entrepreneurs Award”, “Self Made Diva Award” among various others. With a mission to “make corporate leaders, educators and parents empowered and more aware about mental health & wellness”, Riddhi regularly gives interviews on leading media platforms. She loves to interact with corporate leaders, educators and parents to discuss about women issues, child psychology and parenting challenges.

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