How to Appeal a Rejected Visa Application in Canada

How to Appeal a Rejected Visa Application in Canada

Daniel Hall 07/06/2024
How to Appeal a Rejected Visa Application in Canada

To appeal a rejected visa in Canada, understand why your application was denied.

IRCC provides clear reasons like insufficient documents, unmet requirements, or discrepancies. Carefully read the rejection letter to identify the cause and build a solid appeal by addressing the issues in your initial submission.

Exploring Your Appeal Options


Once you understand why your application was rejected, explore appeal options based on your visa type and rejection grounds. For visitor visas, work permits, or study permits, request reconsideration. For permanent residency rejections, you may need to appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Each option has specific procedures and deadlines.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

Collect More Proof: You can gather extra proof to support your case. This might involve getting new documents, letters of backing, or any other useful details that deal with the causes for the original refusal. For example, if your application was turned down because you didn't show enough financial evidence, you may need to provide updated bank statements or financial affidavits. In the same way, if your application did not have all the papers needed, then make sure you include every necessary document in your appeal. An appeal with proper documentation can greatly improve your chances for a positive result.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Moving through the process of appeal can be intricate and tough, so looking for help from an immigration lawyer may prove very useful. A skilled lawyer is able to guide you on the most effective approach for your appeal, assist in collecting and arranging supporting proof, as well as present your case during hearings. Their knowledge in immigration law plus their experience with the appeal system can significantly improve your chances of achieving a positive result. Even though it adds extra expenses, getting help from professionals could turn out to be a good investment for getting the appeal right.

Preparing Your Appeal Submission

After you collect all the needed evidence to support your appeal, make ready your submission for appeal. This includes composing a strong letter or official appeal that states your arguments and talks about why rejection was given. You should be very clear and stick to the facts in explaining everything, making sure all papers are arranged and mentioned correctly. The appeal must show the reasons why your application fulfills the standards and how the new evidence fixes any past issues. This step is very important to pay attention to, as it shows the seriousness and readiness of your case.

Meeting Deadlines and Timelines


Timing is a very important element in the process of appeal. Every kind of visa and choice for appeal has its set deadline that must be followed. If you do not hand over your appeal within this specific time, it could mean losing the chance to make an appeal at all. As an instance, normally you have 30 days from the time of getting a rejection notice to make an appeal with the IAD. It is very important to note all deadlines and make sure your appeal is submitted on time. Not meeting a deadline could be an expensive mistake which could result in your appeal not being successful anymore.

It is necessary to keep patience and continue trying in the appeal process. Immigration appeals can require some time, and the result may not be instant. It is crucial to stay dedicated and persistent, checking on your appeal as necessary and making sure all procedure needs are fulfilled. Keeping yourself updated with the progress of your appeal and taking action when asked for more details can assist in keeping your case moving. Being patient and persistent is very important when dealing with the intricate nature of immigration appeal procedures.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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