Hot or Not? How to Stay Cool and Professional at Work This Summer

Hot or Not? How to Stay Cool and Professional at Work This Summer

Felix Yim 20/06/2024
Hot or Not? How to Stay Cool and Professional at Work This Summer

As the mercury rises, the challenge of maintaining a professional appearance without melting into a puddle becomes real for many men.

The summer heat demands a wardrobe that can keep up with the temperature and workplace requirements. From light fabrics to the right footwear, let's dive into how you can remain cool and office-ready during the year's hottest months.

Use the Right Fabrics


The foundation of your summer work wardrobe should be the fabrics you choose. Lighter materials are not just a choice but a necessity when temperatures climb. Linen, cotton, and seersucker are your best friends because they're breathable and light. Linen, for instance, is stylish and highly absorbent, which helps wick moisture away from your body, keeping you dry and comfortable. Conversely, cotton is soft and breathable, making it ideal for those long office hours. Seersucker stands out due to its unique puckered texture that protects the fabric from your skin, allowing for better air circulation.

Contrary to popular belief, shopping for men can feel like a nightmare, especially when balancing style, comfort, and workplace appropriateness. However, starting with the right fabrics can simplify this process immensely, making it easier to find functional and fashionable pieces.

Make Sure That Everything Fits Well

Once you've got the right fabrics, the next step is ensuring everything fits well. A good fit is crucial not just for aesthetics but also for comfort. In summer, aim for a fit that is slightly relaxed to allow air circulation without being too loose, which can look unprofessional. A tailor can be your ally here, making adjustments to ensure your clothes provide comfort without compromising style. Remember, a blazer that fits well instantly transforms your look, making you look sharp and put-together.

Choose the Right Shoes

Footwear is where many men go wrong, especially in the summer. The key to picking the right shoes is not just color and style but also the right fit for your foot shape. This choice is critical because uncomfortable shoes can make your whole day miserable.

First, know your foot type. Are your feet flat? Do you have a high arch, or are you somewhere in between? Shoes with good arch support and stability are important for flat feet. Men with high arches need shoes with ample cushioning to absorb shock and support their natural foot structure.

Once you have this sorted, the style comes into play. For summer, breathability and comfort should be your priority. Loafers, boat shoes, and brogues made from materials like canvas or light suede can be good choices because they offer style without sacrificing comfort. They can be easily paired with trousers or chinos for a smart but comfortable office look.

Among the popular choices are men's casual sneakers, which combine comfort with a polished look. They are versatile enough to be dressed up or down, depending on your workplace environment. Opting for a pair of well-made sneakers can significantly upgrade your summer office attire, providing that sweet spot between casual and formal that many workplaces endorse today.

Master the Art of Layering

Layering is a smart strategy even in summer, especially considering the varying temperatures from outdoor heat to indoor air-conditioned environments. The key is to layer in a way that allows for easy adjustment. A lightweight, unlined blazer or a thin cardigan can be perfect for maintaining a professional look while preparing you for temperature shifts. Opt for neutral colors like beige, navy, or gray that can easily complement most of your wardrobe.

Layering also extends to accessories. A crisp, lightweight scarf can add a touch of sophistication to your outfit and be removed easily when it gets too warm. Similarly, a thin leather belt complements your light trousers or chinos, adding a polished touch without bulk.

Keep It Minimal With Accessories

In the heat, less is more when it comes to accessories. Stick to the essentials to avoid overburdening yourself. A classic wristwatch, a pair of stylish yet understated sunglasses, and a sleek briefcase or messenger bag are all you need. These elements add functionality and subtly enhance your style without overwhelming your look.

For watches, consider those with a leather band in summer, as they are lighter and breathe more easily than metal bands, which can feel heavier and stick to your skin in hot weather. Sunglasses should protect against UV rays while adding a chic element to your overall appearance. Choose frames that complement your face shape and add an air of mystery to your persona.

Stay Fresh All Day


Maintaining a fresh look throughout the day is perhaps the biggest summer challenge. Start with a good antiperspirant to keep sweat at bay. Investing in grooming products like mattifying moisturizers or blotting papers can help control shine and oil buildup, ensuring you look fresh for your meetings and day-to-day activities.

Keep a grooming kit at your desk for quick touch-ups. This should include deodorant, breath mints, and perhaps a refreshing facial mist. Even when you work from home, maintaining healthy grooming habits can make a big difference in how you feel and present yourself throughout the day.

Navigating the summer heat while staying professional doesn't have to be daunting. The goal is to look sharp and stay cool, no matter how high the temperatures soar. With these strategies in place, you'll feel better and boost your confidence and performance at work. So, embrace these tips and make this summer your most stylish and comfortable season yet at the office.

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Felix Yim

Tech Expert

Felix is the founder of Society of Speed, an automotive journal covering the unique lifestyle of supercar owners. Alongside automotive journalism, Felix recently graduated from university with a finance degree and enjoys helping students and other young founders grow their projects. 

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