An Easy Guide To Creating A Good Commercial Video For Your Product

An Easy Guide To Creating A Good Commercial Video For Your Product

Daniel Hall 11/01/2022
An Easy Guide To Creating A Good Commercial Video For Your Product

Creating a commercial video for your product can be a great way to promote it and make more sales.

However, it's not as difficult as you might think, it just requires some careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some points you should keep in mind during the production process.

Quality Is Important


Let's start with the most obvious one, which is to make sure your video looks good. There are many things that can go wrong with a poorly made commercial, first and foremost being that nobody will want to watch it. It could look cheesy or too low-budget. Your product should be able to speak for itself through its features, but videos are different because they can show off more of the product's personality. In order to do this, your best shot is to find a studio that will help you in your video creation. These professionals can help you with creating motion graphics, video editing, and animation for your product. You can also try to do it yourself, but if you aren't well-versed in video editing that might be difficult for you.

Creativity Is Key

Besides the quality of the video, another great way to get viewers' attention is through creativity. There are many ways to do this, but the easiest is to just come up with an original idea that hasn't been done before. Just like any other project, it's much easier when you don't have to compete with somebody else who has done it before you. Also, try to make your commercial stand out in some way, be it through humor or writing. To do this, you can try to hire a scriptwriter to come up with a video script for the video.

Targeting Is A Must

Just like with anything else from clothes to cars, specific groups of people will be interested in different things. For example, car companies market their vehicles towards men and women who want luxury and speed. Clothing brands often have a certain style they market towards. It all depends on what you're trying to sell, so try to find the right audience for your product. This will help you narrow down where you should place your video and who would appreciate it most. For example, if your target audience is the elderly, it doesn't make sense to place your video on a hip, trendy website.


Keep It Short And Sweet

Another important factor to keep in mind is keeping your video short and sweet. Nobody wants to watch a long commercial that doesn't get straight to the point. A good rule of thumb for this would be around 30 seconds, but it depends on what you're trying to sell and how much time you feel like spending on the video. It's just a good idea to keep it short and straightforward so that your viewers don't get bored and click away. Keep in mind that you need to get the audience's attention immediately. Begin your video commercial with a phrase that will attract your target market's attention. Make an attempt to capture your audience's interest within the first few seconds by addressing a common problem, posing a crucial question, or providing something unique to your business.

Tell A Story

Your video commercial has to be short, but that doesn't mean it can't be engaging. Try to convey your message through storytelling. This will make the video more interesting and memorable. For example, if you're selling a product that helps prevent people from being injured in the kitchen, you can use a short story to demonstrate this. Try to convey all of your concepts through storytelling without making it too long or boring.

Include Call To Action

The last and final part of making a good commercial video is to include a call to action. At the end of your video, you need to tell viewers what they should do next. This can be by telling them what you want them to purchase or it can be something more creative like signing up for an email list. This might seem like common sense, but it's surprising how many videos end without including one. Keep in mind that commercial videos are mainly used when you're trying to sell something!

Creating a commercial video for your product can be a great way to increase sales. By keeping the following points in mind, you can create an effective and engaging video that will capture your audience's attention. Be creative, target the right group of people, keep it short and sweet, and include a call to action at the end. If done correctly, a commercial video can be a powerful marketing tool that helps sell your product.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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