Effective SEO Practices in 2024

Effective SEO Practices in 2024

Effective SEO Practices in 2024

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and its new strategies are evolving rapidly, particularly in 2024, with significant changes since 2023.

The field of SEO is dynamic, with search engines constantly updating their algorithms and new trends emerging. Staying ahead in SEO requires continuous learning and adapting strategies, which can be overwhelming given the pace of change.

However, by staying informed about new and improved trends and implementing effective strategies, you can keep your SEO efforts competitive in 2024. Adaptability and continuous learning are key to success in the fast-paced world of SEO.

AI-Powered Tools


There are many ways to incorporate AI within the world of SEO by integrating AI-powered tools for different directions and niches whether it is keyword research, content creation, and recognition, personalisation etc. into your SEO routines. For example, SEMrush is used as a great option to enhance keyword research strategies as it can predict what keywords are popular/trending, find long-tail keywords, and provide insights into keyword difficulty and potential traffic. 

GPT-4 is helpful as an advanced language model to generate content ideas and provide you with a jumping-off point for drafting blog posts, product descriptions etc., and enhancing meta tags including titles/headings and descriptions, to make them keywords friendly within a search engine. However, very recently, within the world of Google, AI has become a controversial take, where they are detecting AI-written-only websites when it comes to low-quality results and traffic, misleading users.

AI overall can be used to analyse top-performing content and suggest improvements to optimise your content for search engines including relevance within personalisation.


Within the SEO world, search engines view backlinks as a way of boosting recognition from other sites in numerous quantities and qualities. They can also be shareable, especially as blog posts and articles. The more well-written the blog posts are, the more shareable they are. This, in turn, leads to more businesses (i.e. websites) linking to your article and providing you with more backlinks. 

Turning your blog posts into videos is a great strategy to leverage the popularity of video content and reach a wider audience. Updating outdated blog posts from a few years ago can also boost views and recognition. Even recreating your written blog post into a video is popular nowadays, especially on YouTube with its SEO format. Embedding videos in your blog posts can improve dwell time and reduce bounce rates, which are positive signals for SEO.

Video SEO

Video content, or “Video SEO”, has higher engagement and shares in comparison to text-based content. Given that YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, optimising your videos ensures they’re discoverable not just within YouTube but also across broader search engine results. Achieving Video SEO requires careful planning and a dedication to crafting compelling video content that connects with your viewers, whether commentary, gaming, beauty, fashion, etc. By applying these tactics of current and even new developments, you can improve the visibility of your videos, draw in a larger audience, and effectively boost viewer engagement and conversions.

Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that users typically search for when they are closer to making a purchase or seeking detailed information. They can attract visitors who are more likely to be interested in your specific products, services, or content. This targeted traffic is often more valuable as it aligns closely with user intent. 


Prioritising E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) principles in your SEO strategy not only improves your site’s search engine rankings but also enhances its credibility. Establishing authority and maintaining transparency, it provides valuable information that resonates with your audience and meets search engine standards (e.g. Google) for quality content. In 2024 and in the possible future of SEO, E-E-A-T is a necessity for sustainable success.

Meta Titles And Descriptions


Meta titles and descriptions play a crucial role in improving a page’s visibility in search engine results. When these elements are relevant and include targeted keywords that align with user search intent, they have the potential to attract more organic traffic to the website. By accurately reflecting the content and purpose of the webpage, meta titles and descriptions help search engines understand the relevance of the page to specific queries. This increases the likelihood that users will click on the link, driving traffic to the site and thereby improving overall SEO performance. Therefore, optimising meta titles and descriptions with relevant keywords is a fundamental strategy for enhancing organic search visibility and attracting targeted visitors to your web pages.


To maintain a competitive edge in SEO practices throughout 2024, it’s essential to adapt to evolving trends and algorithms; harnessing AI for ideation and content are strategies for online visibility and continuous monitoring and flexibility in response to industry shifts ensure sustained visibility in search rankings, driving organic traffic and achieving SEO objectives. Also, hiring an SEO Marketing agency to help keep up with trend strategies can help you flourish in the ever-changing digital landscape of 2024 and beyond.

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Anas Bouargane

Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

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