How Does Advertising Work?

I am currently reading "Antifragile" by Nasim Taleb and find his take on big corporations interesting. He argues, convincingly, that most big corporations sell us useless or even harmful products, mostly through advertising. This set me thinking about the motives of advertising and its mechanisms. An idea came to me, and I made a matrix or quadrant to explain the mechanisms of advertising. This method is inspired by the "Johari Window" (known - unknown quadrant). Let’s call it Need vs. Awareness Quadrant for a lack of better word or creativity on my part.


Horse Sense for Weight Loss

There has been widespread media attention over the past week, some of it my own, to a study published in JAMA that compared low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss and health improvement. The study also profiled the genes of the participants to determine if genetic patterns thought to predict success on a given diet assignment did just that. Additionally, the study assessed baseline insulin status, to see if- as some rather vociferously claim- losing weight and finding health are all about restricting carbs to lower insulin, rather than improving diet in general and reducing calories.


Customer Loyalty Program for Small Businesses

Customer loyalty programs are quite viable and effective in flourishing a business. Retail businesses have already been using this technique to keep their customers simply loyal to their brand by ensuring a world class shopping experience. The formula is pretty much the same for businesses that deal in other industries as well; keep your customers happy!


The Open Plan Office

I am often asked “What is the best design to maximise workplace productivity?” and "Will an open office design be right for my business?". They are both relatively straightforward questions, but there is certainly no simple answer...


Can Mining and Agriculture Go Together?

The interaction between artisanal (small scale) mining and agriculture in Africa still needs to be carefully considered by policy makers to ensure that people’s livelihoods and countries' export revenues aren’t threatened. It’s also important that the relationship between the two sectors is optimised to mutual benefit.

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