How Great Leaders Think About Employee Turnover

How Great Leaders Think About Employee Turnover

"John I have bad news, and I wanted you to be the first to know. I have been offered a new job that I just can't refuse."

The 3 Levels of Culture Your Company Must Avoid

The 3 Levels of Culture Your Company Must Avoid

Most of us can name companies known for not only their monetary success but their success in creating a culture in which employees are proud and happy to belong.


Digitization and Learning

Digitization is the foundation of educational reform. All we have to do is figure out how to harness it.


Revolutionizing Defense with Blockchain

The defense industry involves a lot of coordination among different teams to keep projects on track. This task becomes even more complex because governments are involved in planning and execution of assignments. As a result the potential of the blockchain technology in defense is being explored to end the existing complexities in the operation of this sector.


Are We Nearly There Yet? Employment, Interest Rates and Inflation

Rising interest rates and inflation are spooking financial markets. Unemployment data suggests that labour markets are tight. Central Banks will have to respond to a collapse in the three asset bubbles.

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