Leave Benchmarks Behind

No matter the industry or particular field, competition is the business of the day. Regardless of what you and your organization do in terms of products or services, there’s inevitably someone else offering a competitive alternative. Your goal is to “beat” those competitors, however that might be measured—greater sales, more customers, whatever the benchmark.


Big Data for Greener Fields

If tractors transformed farming in the Middle Ages, big data is set to revolutionise agriculture in the modern era. Get ready for some big action with big data in agriculture!


Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Marketing

Today’s marketing world typically revolves around two terms, inbound marketing and outbound marketing. Businesses prefer either one of the two or they may even prefer both. This depends on whether the business is well established or an SME (small and medium enterprise) and it also depends on the size of the budget. As for the big organizations, budget constraint is never a point of concern for them, so they prefer both. But for small businesses, inbound marketing is preferable due to the constraints in the budget.


Web App Vs. Mobile App, What Does Your Business Need?

Having a sophisticated app is undoubtedly an ultimate productivity tool well tailored to business needs. But most businesses fail to understand what kind of app will work best for them.


Celebrate The Nerd Within

In high school I was into writing and photography, needless to say I was not in the popular crowds. Through modern day social technology like Facebook, I can clearly see that the majority of the popular kids in high school have gone on to do very little in their lives or careers. There is a long-term value in viewing yourself as a nerd and embracing the nerd within.

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