Internet of Things for fashionistas

Internet of Things (IoT) has found its way into the fashion industry taking it to a whole new level. This revolutionary technology has something in store for everyone – fashion buffs, designers, retailers, and fashion market in general.


5 Ways to Turn Big Data into Insights

No matter how vast your big data sources are, if your company does not devise the right methods to garner meaningful insights from it, the data is of no avail.


Putting Saturated Fat on Trial

As I listen to the seemingly ceaseless, virtual shouting about diet and health these days, much of it self-serving, and little of it genuinely informative or helpful, I am reminded of my now five-year-old wish that we might better separate church and plate. How did what should be a topic based on the aggregation of scientific evidence, time honored good sense, expert consensus, and personal preference- take on the strident passions and dangerous fervor of a Holy War?


Chatbots for Conversational Commerce

As consumers are getting increasingly involved in messaging apps, companies are now partnering with tech firms to increase user interaction through chatbots. This initiative has developed into a whole new domain called Conversational Commerce.


UK Facing Strong Headwinds

Can the EU affordto be tough over Ireland? 

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