Big Tech’s Quick Flip From Benevolence To Dystopia

Netflix. Amazon. Google. Twitter. Facebook. Apple. It seems like increasingly at least some aspect of our lives is now influenced by these behemoth technology companies that have, in just the last two decades, completely transformed our economy and very way of life.


Introducing Spend Analysis

The procurement department is responsible for making strategic decisions about purchasing. Total public purchase is around $9.5 trillion, which equals 13% of the total global GDP. Thus, CPOs around the world have a huge opportunity to gain a competitive edge by decreasing their purchasing costs. Organizations employ different methodology to decrease cost, one of them is Spend Analysis.


Time Management for Executives

One of the challenges, I have when I work with executives and their teams is the lack of time. Or how they manage and prioritize their time. Time management is an issue that we need to address in many of our sessions and to prepare for an upcoming one, I have compiled a list of insights that can be used for discussion and exercises.


Robot-Proofing your Kids

A lot of parents and educators are worrying about how to robot-proof their kids so they don't become casualties of the 4th industrial revolution. A couple of days ago, I had the privilege to visit the front lines at the Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design as an invited guest speaker and entrepreneurship educator. I spoke to about 20 9th grade kids in their introduction to business class where they were in the midst of working on the businesses they had launched at the beginning of the course.


5 Habits You Need to Shake to be a Better Leader

Conventional wisdom about leadership holds that great leaders are born and not made. It turns out that isn't true. Some research done by Leadership Quarterly showed that 26 percent of a leader is born or DNA and 74 percent is learned or developed.

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