The Tree Remembers & How

“The axe forgets; the tree remembers.”— African proverb.


Demystifying Cryptocurrency Trading

Georgina Chong lowers her glasses, the harsh light from the fluorescent lamp on the ceiling revealing the subtle crow’s feet around her eyes. Her long lashes immaculately curled and flitting rapidly like a butterfly on speed, she inspects the handbag set before her like a Christie’s valuer would appraise a Monet.


How Flexibility Can Boost Your Business

With LinkedIn currently running its #ParentsAtWork campaign to highlight the challenges many parents at work, I thought this the perfect opportunity to share why I think providing flexible working, and being flexible, are a huge benefit to both employer and employee.


Blockchain and Identity Management

Due to blockchain’s ability to provide decentralized and secure storage of information, numerous blockchain identity management solutions are being theorized by experts. However, it is important to keep in mind that securing enterprise data goes beyond the scope for blockchain.


Thank-You Cards From Mikey and Molly

I keep a couple leather-bound albums in my office. They hold thank-you letters from patients and their families. A kind of melancholy reminder of days gone past, when writing a letter meant something, when it required a bit of effort, postage, a trip to the mailbox, and not just a “send” button. I guess I hope one day my kids will flip through them after I’m gone. Maybe think to themselves, “Dad made a difference.”

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