Should We Abolish Statistical Significance?

The idea of "statistical significance" has been a basic concept in introductory statistics courses for decades. If you spend any time looking at quantitative research, you will often see in tables of results that certain numbers are marked with an asterisk or some other symbol to show that they are "statistically significant."


Science of Learning: Discovery Learning

I don’t normally write about non-higher education subjects but an article in CBC Alberta news prompted me to say something about discovery-based learning.


Energy Transition, Smart Cities and Smart Utilities: A Call for Action is Necessary

We have not yet taken full measure of the stakes of the Energy Transition: locked in our mental schemes, we continue to act in a frame of reference which dates and does not correspond anymore to the realities of today.


The New Green Deal Is Not New

No, it is not a new deal, and it should not be.


How to be a Good Manager When You Just Don’t Feel Like Being One

There are both good days and bad days at work. Let’s talk about the bad days today. I’m pretty sure you guys know what I’m talking about; we have all been there at least one point or the other.

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