There is a Problem with Leadership in Healthcare

With those words Simon Sinek (from i.e. Let's start with WHY) replied to me in our interview with him for the coverstory for the first edition of the international edition of ICT & Health : “There isn’t a problem with medicine. There is a problem with leadership!” 


Go Around

I have to admit. I'm a little disappointed with the world right now. Lies. Deceit. Spin. Complicity. No bueno. The curse of growing up in a different generation (I'm turning 50 this July) and being raised, predominantly, by my grandparents is that I was taught and adopted a set of morals and standards based on old ideals like truth, integrity, respect for elders, and respectful greetings like "Pardon me," and "Yes, sir/ma'am" and those dinosaurs "Please," and "Thank You." They were, are, and will always be the cornerstone of how I interact with my fellow man and I will always assume the good in people FIRST until they prove otherwise. I'm sure this is why I have a therapist on speed dial and an appointment every Tuesday morning to talk through the aforementioned disappointment with the world from the previous week.


How Artificial Intelligence Will Kickstart the Internet of Things

The possibilities that IoT brings to the table are endless. #IoT continues its run as one of the most popular technology buzzwords of the year, and now the new phase of IoT is pushing everyone to ask hard questions about the data collected by all devices and sensors of IoT.


4 Things Every Employee Desires From Their Leader

I sat in a chair fighting hard to hold back tears. I just couldn’t handle my manager’s leadership style anymore. I knew the point was coming where I would crack, turn negative, and want to move on, but I didn’t think it would come so soon. Just 6 months into the job, I was working my tail off to learn, grow and create opportunities, but I was also at my breaking point. I thought,


5 Things Leaders Can Do to Get Buy-In to the Journey

With age and experience comes wisdom. While I am not an old man (I’m 35), I am constantly learning from experience, and ultimately, gaining wisdom.

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