Transparency in the Workplace

The concept of transparency at work is more popular now than ever. In my previous posts, I’ve talked about stuff like teamwork, goal setting, success, and more that are the basic building blocks of a successful organization. But it is said that leadership transparency is becoming a high call in every workplace. And I know many leaders who struggle with the same—bringing transparency in leadership. 


Don't Miss AR's Amazing Opportunities

Augmented reality (AR) is a new industry growing at an exponential rate, loaded with opportunities for job creation. It offers a playground for entrepreneurs who want to use the certainty of Hard Trends to their advantage.


The Big Fix Update: Changing Sickcare to Healthcare

"The US Healthcare System" is a misnomer. In fact, we have instead a sick care system of systems (public and private systems and subsystems, like the VA, the Indian Heath Service and the Department of Defense) that masquerades as a healthcare system and offers variable access, cost, quality and experience to those in different economic strata and those who work in them. Few connect with each other despite billions of dollars spent trying. The sickcare SOS is in trouble.


The Importance of Value Chain Analysis

Disrupting a business essentially means doing something to take market share away from your competitors or get non-users to buy your product or service at at profit. There are many examples of sickcare entrepreneurs doing it and usually the tactic is to introduce new technologies. However, according to one researcher, most disruption comes from inprovements in how you change and improve the value chain.


Uses of Data Visualisation in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The agility to react to changing situations is among the key determinants of organizational success. To achieve that agility, it is vital for members to have access to actionable data in a quickly discernable format. As a step towards providing businesses and individuals that capability, applications that enable data visualization in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) are beginning to grow in popularity.

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